

   结果:本项目的研究结果表明,戒烟服务及戒烟后支持服务的使用情况与社会经济状况之间并没有显著关联。有些服务社会经济情况较好的人群使用更多,有些服务则是社会经济情况较差的人群使用更多。受过大学教育的群体一般更不愿接受药物治疗(优势比[OR] = 0.72;95% 可信区间= 0.56-0.93)。相反地,高收入人群则更倾向于接受贴剂、口香糖或吸入剂的治疗(优势比= 1.13;95% 可信区间 = 1.01-1.27)。药物治疗可显著提高戒烟的成功率(优势比 = 2.50;95% 可信区间 = 1.94-3.23),但是该效果仅体现在低文化程度群体中。社会经济状况较好的吸烟者戒烟的成功率也较高。


(刘国梁 审校)
Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Oct 15. pii: ntu119. [Epub ahead of print]



The Use of Smoking Cessation and Quit Support Services by Socioeconomic Status Over 10 Years of the National Drug Strategy Household Survey.

Clare P1, Slade T2, Courtney RJ2, Martire KA3, Mattick RP2.

The aim of this research was to examine the use of quit smoking services and support options in Australia using national survey data, to determine whether use of quit smoking services and pharmacotherapy contributes to socioeconomic status (SES) differences in smoking.
METHODS: Analyses were performed using data from 4 waves of the Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey between 2001 and 2010. The primary outcomes were the use of quit smoking services or pharmacotherapy. The main predictor variables used were measures of SES including Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas, income, and education. Other sociodemographic variables were also examined.
RESULTS: There was no systematic SES difference in the use of services or support options, with some used more by high SES, and some used more by low SES. Those with university education (odds ratio [OR] = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.56-0.93) were less likely to use prescription medication. Conversely, those with higher incomes were more likely to use patches, gum, or an inhaler (OR = 1.13; 95% CI = 1.01-1.27). Prescription medication was significantly associated with increased odds of recent cessation, although only among those with lower levels of education (OR = 2.50; 95% CI = 1.94-3.23). Those with higher SES had the greatest odds of recent cessation.
CONCLUSIONS: The evidence suggests that low-SES smokers use quit services and support options equally to high-SES smokers, and thus access does not drive the SES differential in smoking. However, the findings are positive, suggesting that increasing the uptake of prescription medication may help increase cessation rates among low-SES smokers.


Nicotine Tob Res. 2014 Oct 15. pii: ntu119. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 个体和区域因素对中国城镇居民家庭吸烟限制的影响
下一篇: 退伍军人保障系统中非洲裔美国人及白人烟民的戒烟情况
