方法:入选标准包括:FEV1≥70%正常预测值;PC30≤ 8 mg/McH;仅使用β2受体激动剂治疗;自我主诉非洲裔美国人(AFAM)、墨西哥裔/西班牙裔/拉美裔美国人(MexAMLat)、亚洲 - 太平洋岛民(Asian PI)。收集系列肺功能检测(PFT)和Borg、视觉模拟量表(VAS)评分和EWDs结果。
结果:共有44名女性参与本研究,平均年龄为31.3岁,基础FEV1为2.85 L。种族分布如下:12名非洲裔美国人,5名墨西哥裔/西班牙裔/拉美裔美国人,13名亚洲 - 太平洋岛民和14名白人。所有患者存在特应性,≥ 2针刺试验皮肤丘疹3 mm。PC30状态下,亚洲 - 太平洋岛民患者所需McH剂量(1.9 mg/mL)更小,墨西哥裔/西班牙裔/拉美裔美国人患者所需McH剂量为1.6 mg/mL。PC30状态下,非洲裔美国人患者和白人患者所需McH剂量分别为2.9 mg/mL和3.0 mg/mL。PC30状态下,仅使用上呼吸道EWD的亚洲 - 太平洋岛民主诉有咽喉痒、下巴痒、咽喉紧缩感(p <0.001)。非洲裔美国人比较明显的EWD为咽喉痒、下巴/面部痒、咽喉紧缩(p <0.01)。墨西哥裔/西班牙裔/拉美裔美国人和白人都有下呼吸道EWD。白人较明显的EWD为胸部紧缩感(p <0.01)和吸气困难/肺部紧缩感(p <0.001)。
结论:轻度哮喘女性患者中,亚洲 - 太平洋岛民需要更低剂量的McH诱导出PC30(p <0.05)。非洲裔美国人和白人在诱导出现PC30时所使用的McH剂量相当。亚洲 - 太平洋岛民和非洲裔美国人女性仅使用上呼吸道EWD。亚洲 - 太平洋岛民女性出现急性哮喘发作的风险更大,这些发作或者不被发现,或者针对其主诉的上呼吸道症状来治疗。
(林江涛 审校)
J Asthma. 2011 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]
Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness, Word Descriptors, and Ethnicity: Women with Mild Asthma.
Hardie GE, Brown JK, Gold WM.
San Francisco State University (SFSU), Nursing , San Francisco, CA , USA .
BACKGROUND:Few studies have examined the ethnic differences in symptom reporting and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) for women with mild asthma during a methacholine (McH) challenge.
OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this sub-analysis was to determine: (1) whether AHR to McH varied by the ethnicity of women with mild asthma and (2) whether ethnic word descriptors (EWDs) varied by the ethnicity during induced bronchoconstriction.
METHODS:Specific inclusion criteria included the following: FEV(1) (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) ≥ 70% predicted normal, PC(30) ≤ 8 mg/McH, β(2) inhaler only, and self-reported ethnicity of African American (AFAM), Mexican American-Hispanic-Latino (MexAMLat), Asian-Pacific Islander (Asian PI), or white. Serial pulmonary function testing (PFT) and Borg, visual analogue scale (VAS), and EWDs were collected.
RESULTS:A total of 44 women, mean age of 31.3 years old, with a mean baseline FEV(1) of 2.85 L comprised this sub-analysis. Ethnic-racial diversity included: 12 AFAMs, 5 MexAMLat, 13 Asian-PIs, and 14 whites. All had atopy ≥ 2 pinprick responses of 3 mm. At PC(30), Asian-PI women required a significantly (p < .05) smaller mean dose of McH 1.9 mg/mL. MexAMLat women required an McH dose of 1.6 mg/mL. At PC(30), McH dose was 2.9 mg/mL for AFAMs and 3.0 mg/mL for whites, respectively. Asian-PIs who used only upper airway EWDs at PC(30) vere itchy throat, itchy chin, and constricted throat (p < .001). AFAMs significant EWDs were itchy throat, itchy chin/face, and tight throat (p < .01). Lower airway EWD was used by both MexAMLat and whites. Significant EWD for Whites were tight chest (p < .01) and hard to inhale/lungs tight (p < .001).
CONCLUSION:Asian-PI women required a significantly smaller dose (p < .05) of McH to induce a PC(30). AFAM and whites required a comparable dose of Mch at PC(30). Asian-PI and AFAM women used only upper airway EWD. Asian-PI women may be at a greater risk for acute asthma episodes that are not recognized or treated due to their upper airway symptom reporting.
J Asthma. 2011 Dec 16. [Epub ahead of print]