目的:小儿哮喘与超重/肥胖(OV / OB)经常同时发生,有这两种情况的青少年通常睡眠/就寝时间习惯较差。本研究评估超重/肥胖伴有/不伴有哮喘的青少年在不同工作日-周末就寝/唤醒时间的变异性,并测试这种变异是否可以预测平日睡眠。
方法:哮喘/肥胖的青少年(N = 142;28%伴发哮喘;7-12岁)佩戴了5天加速度计(2个周末),来提供工作日-周末就寝/唤醒时间的变化、工作日总睡眠时间(TST)、工作日床上时间(TIB),以及工作日睡眠之后醒着的时间(WASO)。
结果:在OV / OB +哮喘的低收入家庭组没有人口群体之间的差异。OV / OB +哮喘组在工作日(平均OV / OB +哮喘= 10:39PM,平均OV / OB只有= 10:30 PM)和周末(平均OV / OB +哮喘= 11:41PM,平均OV / OB只有=11:17PM)较晚就寝,工作日较早醒来(平均OV / OB +哮喘= 6:40AM,平均OV / OB只有=06:51AM),周末醒来时间和仅有OV/OB者差不多(平均OV / OB +哮喘= 7:54PM,平均OV / OB只有=7:52PM)。单变量多元方差分析随访者表明哮喘组工作日-周末就寝时间和唤醒时间的变异有一个主要的影响因素,证据提示OV / OB +哮喘组约有30分钟以上的就寝时间(OV / OB +哮喘平均= 90分钟)和唤醒时间(OV / OB +哮喘平均= 108分钟)的变异。在OV / OB +哮喘组、更大唤醒时间变异预示工作日更少的床上时间(TIB)和工作日睡眠之后醒着的时间(WASO)。在OV / OB组内,唤醒时间的变异预示工作日床上时间更少。
结论:研究结果表明,在目前OV / OB青年中,哮喘状态赋予工作日-周末睡眠时间变异更多风险,更大的可变性使得平日睡眠时间缩短。有必要进一步研究在哮喘患者中更大的工作日-周末的睡眠变化的原因。
(苏欣 审校)
J Asthma. 2016 Aug 2:0. [Epub ahead of print]
Influence of Asthma Status on Sleep Variability in Overweight/Obese Youth.
Krietsch KN1, Lawless C1, Fedele DA1, McCrae CS2, Janicke DM1.
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OBJECTIVE:Pediatric asthma and overweight/obesity (OV/OB) frequently co-occur and youth with both conditions exhibit poor sleep/bedtime habits. This study assessed differences in week-to-weekend bedtime/wake time variability among OV/OB youth with/without comorbid asthma, and tested whether variability predicted weekday sleep.
METHODS:OV/OB youth (n = 142; 28% comorbid asthma; 7-12 years) wore an Accelerometer for 5 days (2 weekend days), providing estimates of week-to-weekend bedtime/wake-time variability, weekday Total Sleep Time (TST), weekday time in bed (TIB), and weekday wake after sleep onset (WASO).
RESULTS:There were no demographic differences between groups beyond lower family income for the OV/OB+asthma group. The OV/OB+asthma group exhibited later weekday (mean OV/OB+asthma = 10:39pm, mean OV/OB only = 10:30pm) and weekend (mean OV/OB+asthma = 11:41pm, mean OV/OB only = 11:17pm) bedtimes, earlier weekday waketimes (mean OV/OB+asthma = 6:40am, mean OV/OB only = 6:51am), and similar weekend waketimes (mean OV/OB+asthma = 7:54pm, mean OV/OB only = 7:52pm. Univariate MANOVA follow-ups indicated a main effect of asthma group for week-to-weekend bedtime and waketime variability, with the OV/OB+asthma group evidencing approximately 30 minutes greater bedtime (OV/OB+asthma mean = 90 minutes) and waketime (OV/OB+asthma mean = 108 minutes) variability. Within the OV/OB+asthma group, greater waketime variability predicted fewer minutes of weekday TIB and WASO. Within the OV/OB only group, wake time variability predicted fewer minutes of weekday TIB.
CONCLUSION:Findings suggest that asthma status confers risk for more week-to-weekend variability among currently OV/OB youth, and that greater variability shortens the weekday sleep period. Further research on reasons for greater week-to-weekend sleep variability in asthma is needed.
KEYWORDS:Child; Pediatric; Pulmonology; Sleep medicine
J Asthma. 2016 Aug 2:0. [Epub ahead of print]