

   结果:在校对过的分析中,逻辑回归分析显示,暴露于高真菌多样性的环境下,6岁时空气过敏原的致敏作用和10岁之前的喘息风险显著降低(校正的比值比(95%CI)分别为: 0.26 (0.10-0.70), 和0.42 (0.18-0.96))。直到10岁时,纵向分析(GEE)显示这种相互关系减弱。高暴露于多样性细菌和测试的健康结果之间没有关联。
(苏欣 审校)
Environ Health Perspect. 2016 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]

Urban Dust Microbiome: Impact on Later Atopy and Wheezing.
Tischer C1,2,3,4, Weikl F5, Probst AJ6, Standl M1, Heinrich J1,7, Pritsch K5.
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INTRODUCTION:Investigations in urban areas have just begun to explore how the indoor dust microbiome may affect the pathogenesis of asthmaand allery. We aimed to investigate the early fungal and bacterial microbiome in house dust with allergic sensitization and wheezing later in childhood.
METHODS:Individual dust samples from 189 homes of the LISAplus birth cohort study were collected shortly after birth from living room floors and profiled for fungal and bacterial microbiome. Fungal and bacterial diversity was assessed with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (tRFLP) and defined by the Simpson diversity index. Information on wheezing outcomes and co-variates until the age of 10 years was obtained by parental questionnaires. Information on specific allergic sensitization was available at 6 and 10 years. Logistic regression and General Estimation Equation (GEE) models were used to examine the relationship between microbial diversity and health outcomes.
RESULTS:Logistic regression analyses revealed a significantly reduced risk of developing sensitization to aero-allergens at 6 years and ever wheezing until the age of 10 years for exposure to higher fungal diversity (adjusted Odds Ratio aOR (95%CI): 0.26 (0.10-0.70)), and 0.42 (0.18-0.96), respectively), in adjusted analyses. The associations were attenuated for the longitudinal analyses (GEE) until the age of 10 years. There was no association between higher exposure to bacterial diversity and the tested health outcomes.
CONCLUSION:Higher early exposure to fungal diversity might help to prevent from developing sensitization to aero-allergens in early childhood, but the reasons for attenuated effects in later childhood require further prospective studies.
Environ Health Perspect. 2016 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 母体血清而非母乳中的IL-5,IL-6和IL-13免疫标志物与婴幼抓挠相关
下一篇: 富含大豆油或鱼油的食物对过敏性气道炎症的保护作用
