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(林江涛 审校)
Eur Respir J. 2014 Oct 16. pii: erj00786-2014. [Epub ahead of print]


Non-anthropogenic dust exposure and asthma medication purchase in children.

Yitshak-Sade M1, Novack V2, Katra I3, Gorodischer R4, Tal A4, Novack L5.

Air pollution has been shown to increase frequency of asthma attacks, as usually measured by hospitalisation rates. We hypothesise that purchase of asthma reliever medications will reflect a broader association between the environmental exposure and asthma exacerbations. In a time series analysis, we estimated the association of dust storms with mild asthma manifestations, as indicated by medication purchases, during 2005-2011. We compared our results with the estimation of the association of dust storms with hospitalisations due to asthma and asthma-like symptoms. We detected 289 dust storms characterised by high levels of particulate matter <10 μm in diameter. We identified 42 920 children with asthma, wheezing or asthma-like symptoms, of whom 2418 were hospitalised. We observed a higher risk of asthma medication purchase on the day of a mild dust storm (relative risk 1.05, 95% CI 1.00-1.10). The next peak in drug purchases was 3 days later and was more pronounced among Bedouin-Arab children. Stratified analyses showed higher risks for hospitalisation among Bedouin-Arab children; especially among children living in temporary houses (relative risk 1.33, 95% CI 1.04-1.71). We observed an increased risk of asthma medication purchase associated with mild dust storms. The risk observed for hospitalisation was more pronounced among the rural Bedouin-Arab population.

Eur Respir J. 2014 Oct 16. pii: erj00786-2014. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 空气污染暴露与儿童哮喘患病率的多中心研究:ESCAPE项目
下一篇: 从1996至2006年环境危险因素对儿童哮喘的重要性下降
