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   研究了分析了南匈牙利赛格德地区,生物或化学空气污染物对呼吸科住院的影响。除每日呼吸科住院数据之外,一个9年数据(1999年-2007年)涵盖了每日平均CO, PM10, NO, NO2, O3 和SO2浓度。另外还有两种花粉数据(蜂食花粉和除蜂食后花粉)。本研究不限男女,纳入成年和老年慢性呼吸系统疾病(过敏性鼻炎或哮喘)患者。采用病因分析阐明影响呼吸道症状的相对重要的空气因素。采用高和低两种选定分数值对应呼吸科住院的概率分布,评估这两份数据的各空气污染变量平均值。根据每日实际住院数高或低于各空气污染变量的分位数值,挑选出数据中的要素。以花粉和化学污染物为解释变量,采用非参数回归技术来区分增高和正常呼吸科入院数。结果显示在蜂食花粉季节期间,增加的病人数与污染物的相关性最强;而在无花粉期间,两者相关性最弱。与成人哮喘患者和过敏性鼻炎患者相比,老年哮喘患者的入院增加与污染物相关性不强。用正确判断分位数值超过数法得出比例后导致的结论与采用多重相关性法得出的结论相似。    

(林江涛 审校)
Int J Biometeorol. 2013 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print]



Association of allergic rhinitis or asthma with pollen and chemical pollutants in Szeged, Hungary, 1999-2007.

Makra L, Matyasovszky I, Bálint B, Csépe Z.

The effect of biological (pollen) and chemical air pollutants on respiratory hospital admissions for the Szeged region in Southern Hungary is analysed. A 9-year (1999-2007) database includes-besides daily number of respiratory hospital admissions-daily mean concentrations of CO, PM10, NO, NO2, O3 and SO2. Two pollen variables (Ambrosia and total pollen excluding Ambrosia) are also included. The analysis was performed for patients with chronic respiratory complaints (allergic rhinitis or asthma bronchiale) for two age categories (adults and the elderly) of males and females. Factor analysis was performed to clarify the relative importance of the pollutant variables affecting respiratory complaints. Using selected low and high quantiles corresponding to probability distributions of respiratory hospital admissions, averages of two data sets of each air pollutant variable were evaluated. Elements of these data sets were chosen according to whether actual daily patient numbers were below or above their quantile value. A nonparametric regression technique was applied to discriminate between extreme and non-extreme numbers of respiratory admissions using pollen and chemical pollutants as explanatory variables. The strongest correlations between extreme patient numbers and pollutants can be observed during the pollen season of Ambrosia, while the pollen-free period exhibits the weakest relationships. The elderly group with asthma bronchiale is characterised by lower correlations between extreme patient numbers and pollutants compared to adults and allergic rhinitis, respectively. The ratio of the number of correct decisions on the exceedance of a quantile resulted in similar conclusions as those obtained by using multiple correlations.


Int J Biometeorol. 2013 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 妊娠期宏量元素和威胁儿童生命的呼吸道合胞病毒感染
下一篇: 一项针对儿童肥胖与哮喘关系的系统综述
