结果:165名患者入选本研究,99名(60%)患者对问卷进行回复。回复者的平均年龄为62岁(范围:29~87岁),77名(79%)为女性,80名(82%)为白人。在利多卡因雾化吸入治疗前,平均咳嗽病程为5年。在采用利多卡因雾化吸入的患者中(93%的调查回复者),43%的患者主诉出现不良反应。然而,这些不良反应不需要急诊就诊、住院治疗,也无因吸入性肺炎而需抗生素治疗的患者。治疗前的咳嗽严重程度评分为8.4 (1.6) ,治疗后为5.9 (3.4) (P<0.001)。主诉咳嗽症状改善的患者中(49%),80%的患者主诉在用药后2周内即出现改善。
(林江涛 审校)
Chest. 2012 Dec 13. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1533. [Epub ahead of print]
Long-Term Safety of Nebulized Lidocaine for Adults with Difficult-to-Control Chronic Cough: A Case Series.
Lim KG, Rank MA, Hahn P, Keogh KA, Morgenthaler TI, Olson EJ.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The long-term safety of patient-administered nebulized lidocaine for control of chronic cough has not been established.
METHODS: We performed a retrospective study of adults who received a prescription and nurse education for nebulized lidocaine for chronic cough between 2002 and 2007. A survey questionnaire inquiring about adverse reactions and the effectiveness of nebulized lidocaine was developed and administered to these individuals after the nebulized lidocaine trial. We conducted 2 mailings and a postmailing phone follow-up to nonresponders. When adverse events were reported in the questionnaire response, a structured phone interview was conducted to obtain additional details.
RESULTS: Of 165 eligible patients, 99 (60%) responded to the survey. Responders were a median age of 62 years (range, 29-87 years), 77 (79%) were female, and 80 (82%) were white. The median duration of cough was 5 years before treatment with nebulized lidocaine. Of the patients who used nebulized lidocaine (93% of survey responders), 43% reported an adverse event. However, none of these events required an emergency visit, hospitalization, or antibiotic therapy for aspiration pneumonia. The mean (SD) of the pretreatment cough severity score was 8.4 (1.6) and posttreatment was 5.9 (3.4) (P<.001). Of the patients reporting improvement in cough symptoms (49%), 80% reported improvement within the first 2 weeks.
CONCLUSIONS: Adults tolerated self-administration of nebulized lidocaine for difficult-to-control chronic cough. No serious adverse effects occurred while providing symptomatic control in 49% of patients.
Chest. 2012 Dec 13. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-1533. [Epub ahead of print]