

   背景:已知呼吸道合胞病毒(respiratory syncytial virus, RSV)所致毛细支气管炎和随后发生哮喘、喘息、肺功能异常和过敏具有相关性。我们研究的目的旨在确定同卵双生子在婴幼儿期因不一致的重症RSV所致毛细支气管炎对继后发展为哮喘、肺功能异常和过敏症差异性影响。
   方法:37例同卵双生子在婴幼儿期(平均年龄10.6月)因不一致RSV感染住院,在其平均年龄7.6岁时进行比较,比较内容包括肺功能、支气管反应性、呼出气一氧化氮(fractional exhaled nitric oxide, FENO)浓度、哮喘的诊断、使用哮喘药物、对普通吸入性变应原的皮肤点刺试验。

 (王刚 四川大学华西医院中西医结合科呼吸组 610041 摘译)
                                               (Chest; 2010; 138(2):338–344)
Causal Direction Between Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bronchiolitis and Asthma Studied in Monozygotic Twins

Poorisrisak P, Halkjaer LB, Thomsen SF, Stensballe LG, Kyvik KO, Skytthe A, Schioetz PO, Bisgaard H.
Chest; 2010; 138(2):338–344
Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis has been associated with later development of asthma, wheezing, abnormal pulmonary function, and sensitization. Our aim was to determine the differential effect within monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs discordant for severe RSV bronchiolitis in infancy on the subsequent development of asthma, pulmonary function, and allergy.
Methods: Thirty-seven MZ twin pairs discordant for RSV hospitalization in infancy (mean age 10.6 months) were compared at the mean age of 7.6 years for lung function, bronchial responsiveness, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO), asthma diagnosis, use of asthma medication, and skin prick test to common inhalant allergens.
Results: There were no differences within MZ twin pairs discordant for RSV hospitalization in infancy with respect to pulmonary function, FENO, asthma prevalence, asthma medication use, or sensitization (P . .1 for all comparisons).
Conclusions: We found no differential effect from severity of RSV infection on the development of asthma and allergy in MZ twin pairs discordant for RSV hospitalization in infancy. This argues against a specic effect of severe RSV infection in the development of asthma and allergy. Because of the small sample size, this study must be considered as a hypothesis-generating study.

上一篇: Th9:在哮喘发病机制中新的作用
下一篇: 在哮喘未达到最佳控制的患者中的气道微生物群和支气管高反应性
