哮喘住院及急诊就医次数与当地空气污染严重程度密切相关,但对于哮喘住院及急诊就医与家居环境附近的道路交通污染导致的大气污染的关系,目前资料尚不充分。美国加州大学Ralph J. Delfino及同事发现,道路交通污染(氮氧化物及一氧化碳)与公路边居住的儿童支气管哮喘病情加重、住院次数增多有关。
(蔡闯 广州医学院第一附属医院 广州呼吸疾病研究所 510120 摘译)
(Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2009;102(2):138-144)
Repeated hospital encounters for asthma in children and exposure to traffic-related air pollution near the home
Delfino RJ, Chang J, Wu J, Ren C, Tjoa T, Nickerson B, Cooper D, Gillen DL.
BACKGROUND: Aggregate hospital encounters for asthma (admissions or emergency department visits) have been associated with daily regional air pollution. There are fewer data on relationships between repeated hospital encounters and traffic-related air pollution near the home.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the association of local traffic-generated air pollution with repeated hospital encounters for asthma in children.
METHODS: Hospital records for 2,768 children aged 0 to 18 years (697 of whom had > or = 2 encounters) were obtained for a catchment area of 2 hospitals in northern Orange County, California. Residential addresses were geocoded. A line source dispersion model was used to estimate individual seasonal exposures to local traffic-generated pollutants (nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide) longitudinally beginning with the first hospital encounter. Recurrent proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate risk of exposure to air pollution adjusting for sex, age, health insurance, census-derived poverty, race/ethnicity, residence distance to hospital, and season. The adjustment variables and census-derived median household income were tested for effect modification.
RESULTS: Adjusted hazard ratios for interquartile range increases in nitrogen oxides (4.00 ppb) and carbon monoxide (0.056 ppm) were 1.10 (95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.16) and 1.07 (1.01-1.14), respectively. Associations were strongest for girls and infants but were not significantly different from other groups. Stronger associations in children from higher-income block groups (P < .09 for trend) may have been due to more accurate data.
CONCLUSIONS: Associations for repeated hospital encounters suggest that locally generated air pollution near the home affects asthma severity in children. Risk may begin during infancy and continue in later childhood, when asthma diagnoses are clearer.