结果:分析结果显示,与那些妊娠期间没有鼻炎症状的母亲所生育的后代相比,妊娠早期出现过敏性鼻炎症状的母亲其后代出现过敏性鼻炎的校正优势比明显增高(adjusted Odds Ratio: 6.26, p = 0.036 )。但是,在妊娠后期出现鼻炎症状的,其优势比没有影响。相反,在妊娠的早期或后期是否存在过敏性鼻炎的症状与其后代的食物过敏、异位性皮炎或哮喘的发生没有明显的相关性。
(苏楠 卫生部中日友好医院呼吸内科 100029 摘译)
(Allergol Int. 2007 ;1:56 [Epub ahead of print])
Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis in Women during Early Pregnancy Are
Associated with Higher Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis in Their
Shinohara M,Wakiguchi H,Saito H,Matsumoto K.[Department of Pediatrics,
Kochi Medical School, Kochi.]
Allergol Int. 2007 Sep 1;56(4) [Epub ahead of print]
Background: Epigenetic control of gene expression profiles is a
ubiquitous mechanism during cell differentiation, organogenesis and
chronic inflammatory reactions. Recent studies have shown that allergen
exposure during very early pregnancy increases bronchial hypersensitivity
in offspring in a murine model of bronchial asthma. However, no such
phenomena were reported in humans. In the present study, the role of
epigenetic control in the onset of allergic diseases was investigated.
Methods: A total of 400 pairs of mothers with physician-diagnosed
allergic rhinitis (AR) and their offspring (age 7-18 months) who
participated in a large-scale medical check-up were enrolled in this
retrospective cohort study. Family history of allergic diseases and the
presence or absence of AR symptoms during pregnancy were inquired about
using a self-answered questionnaire. A logistic regression model adjusted
for age, gender, birth month and father’s history of allergic diseases
was statistically analyzed.
Results: Offspring whose mothers had any AR symptoms during early
pregnancy showed a significantly higher adjusted odds ratio for the
onset of AR in offspring than those whose mothers had no symptoms
during pregnancy (adjusted Odds Ratio: 6.26, p = 0.036). However, the
symptoms of AR during late pregnancy showed no effects on the odds ratio.
In contrast, the presence or absence of AR symptoms during early or late
pregnancy showed no association with the prevalence of food allergy,
atopic dermatitis or asthma in offspring.
Conclusions: Our results suggest the presence of possible epigenetic
mechanisms regulating the onset of AR in humans presumably through
increased organ-specific hypersensitivity.