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    根据“最佳哮喘控制”而制定的儿童哮喘管理计划,仅取得了有限的成功,未能尽如人意。为此人们提出了以气道高反应性(airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR)作为参照标准的治疗策略。确定根据AHR而制定的治疗策略能否更有效地增加无症状日和改善哮喘患儿的肺功能,Nuijsink等进行了一项为期2年的多中心、双盲、平行、随机研究。
(韩伟 青岛大学附属青岛市立医院呼吸科 266071 摘译)
                                       (Eur Respir J 2007; 30: 457–466)
Long-term asthma treatment guided byairway hyperresponsiveness in children:a randomised controlled trial
M. Nuijsink*, W.C.J. Hop#, P.J. Sterk", E.J. Duiverman+ andJ.C. de Jongste1
on behalf of the Children Asthma Therapy Optimal (CATO) Study Groupe
ABSTRACT: Management plans for childhood asthma show limited success in optimising asthma control. The aim of the present study was to assess whether a treatment strategy guided by airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) increased the number of symptom-free days and improved lung function in asthmatic children, compared with a symptom-driven reference strategy.
In a multicentre, double-blind, parallel-group, randomised, 2-yr intervention trial, 210 children (aged 6–16 yrs) with moderate atopic asthma, selected on the basis of symptom scores and/or the presence of AHR, were studied. At 3-monthly visits, symptom scores, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and methacholine challenge results were obtained, and medication (five levels of fluticasone with or without salmeterol) adjusted according to algorithms based on symptom score (reference strategy, n5104) or AHR and symptom score (AHR strategy, n5102). After 2 yrs, no difference was found in the percentage of symptom-free days between treatment strategies. Pre-bronchodilator FEV1 was higher in the AHR strategy (2.3% predicted). This was entirely explained by a gradual worsening of FEV1 in a subgroup of 91 hyperresponsive children enrolled with low symptom scores (final difference between study arms was 6%). Asthma treatment guided by airway hyperresponsiveness showed no benefits in terms of number of symptom-free days, but produced a better outcome in terms of pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in one second in allergic asthmatic children, especially those characterised by low symptom scores despite airway hyperresponsiveness.
Nuijsink M. , Hop W.C.J., Sterk P.J., et al. Eur Respir J 2007; 30: 457–466

上一篇: 多中心随机双盲观察地塞米松对婴儿细支气管炎的作用
下一篇: 哮喘患儿中的储雾罐吸入技术和超细气溶胶沉积
