(杨萌 卫生部中日友好医院呼吸科 100029 摘译)
METHODS: Levels of these angiogenic factors and airway vascular permeability index were examined in 30 asthmatics and 12 control subjects. After 2-week run-in period, all asthmatics were randomly assigned to receive fluticasone propionate (400 mug/d) or montelukast (10 mg) for 12 weeks. RESULTS: VEGF, angiopoietinI, and angiopoietinⅡ levels in induced sputum were significantly higher in asthmatics than in control subjects. We found an inverse correlation between angiopoietinI level and vascular permeability index in asthmatics, while there was a positive correlation between angiopoietinⅡ level and that index. VEGF and angiopoietinI levels were significantly decreased after fluticasone therapy, while VEGF and angiopoietinⅡ levels were significantly decreased after montelukast therapy. Although VEGF levels after treatment were different between two groups, vascular permeability index in the montelukast group was the same level as that in the fluticasone group. Moreover, improvement in vascular permeability index after fluticasone therapy was inversely correlated with decrease in angiopoietinI level, while that after montelukast therapy was positively correlated with decrease in angiopoietinⅡ level.
CONCLUSIONS: AngiopoietinI and angiopoietinⅡ play complementary and coordinated roles in regulating microvascular permeability stimulated by VEGF in asthma. Combination of corticosteroids with leukotriene antagonists might effectively improve plasma leakage and provide a new strategy in treating bronchial asthma.