在工业化国家中,职业性哮喘是最多见的职业性肺病之一,但目前我们对该病的预后及转归情况知之甚少。George Rachiotis等人回顾分析了1977~2004年间发表的39篇文献,对职业性哮喘患者避免接触致喘因子后症状及肺功能的转归情况进行综合评价。他们分析了文献中报道的39,1681个完全恢复的和28,695个非特异性气道高反应性有改善的职业性哮喘患者的资料。结果发现:
(毛辉 四川大学华西医院呼吸科 610041 摘译)
(Thorax 2007; 62: 147-152)
Outcome of occupational asthma after cessation of exposure: a systematic review. George Rachiotis, Rashna Savani, Andrew Brant, Stephanie J MacNeill, Anthony Newman Taylor, and Paul Cullinan.Thorax 2007; 62: 147-152.
Background: Patients with occupational asthma, and their medical advisers, need valid information about the prognosis of their disease.
Methods: A systematic review of the published literature on the symptomatic and functional outcomes of occupational asthma was carried out after avoidance of exposure to the causative agent. Through a full search of electronic and bibliographic sources, original studies documenting complete recovery from asthma (n = 39,1681 patients) or improvement in non-specific bronchial hyper-responsiveness (NSBHR; n = 28,695 patients) were identified. The median duration of follow-up was 31 (range 6–240) months for studies of symptomatic recovery and 37 (6–240) months for studies of NSBHR. Most studies were of patients recruited from special clinics.
Results: Reported rates of symptomatic recovery varied from 0% to 100%, with a pooled estimate of 32% (95% CI 26% to 38%). These rates were lower with increasing age (p = 0.019) and among clinic based populations (p = 0.053). Patients with the shortest durations of exposure ( 76 months) had the highest rate of recovery (36%; 95% CI 25% to 50%), but the effect was not linear. The pooled prevalence of persistent NSBHR at follow-up was 73% (95% CI 66% to 79%). This figure was higher among patients whose disease was due to high-molecular-weight agents (p = 0.006) and, less clearly, those from clinic-based populations (p = 0.561). In between-study comparisons, no clear patterns of improvement relating to total duration of exposure or follow-up were found. From within-study comparisons there was some evidence that a shorter duration of symptoms was associated with a higher rate of symptomatic recovery.
Conclusion: The available data on the prognosis of occupational asthma are insufficiently consistent to allow confident advice to be given to patients with the disease. Clinicians and epidemiologists with an interest in this disease should consider a collaborative and carefully standardised study of the prognosis of occupational asthma.