

   结果:未调整的首次心肌梗死的平均年龄女性为76.2岁,男性为69.8岁,差别为6.4岁(P<0.001). 不同组的平均年龄为:非吸烟女性80.7岁,吸烟女性66.2岁,差别14.4岁(P<0.001);非吸烟男性为72.7岁,吸烟男性为63.9岁,差别8.3岁(P<0.001)。在进行了危险因素(高血压、胆固醇水平、糖尿病)和患者特征(心绞痛病史、中风病史)调整后女性首次心肌梗死13.7年的年龄差别归因于吸烟;男性有6.2年的年龄差别归因于吸烟。
(张永明 卫生部中日友好医院呼吸内科 100029  摘译)
European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. 2009 Feb:25 ,Publish Ahead of Print.
(注:题目,下同)Sex-based differences in premature first myocardial infarction caused by smoking: twice as many years lost by women as by men.
(注:作者,下同)Grundtvig, Morten a; Hagen, Terje P. b; German, Mikael a; Reikvam, Asmund c.
(a)Department of Medicine, Innlandet Hospital Trust, Division Lillehammer, Lillehammer  (b)Institute of Health Management and Health Economics (c)Department of Pharmacotherapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
(注:摘要,下同)Background: It has been debated whether smoking increases the risk of heart disease relatively more in women than in men. It is not known whether there are sex differences with regard to how many years prematurely smoking causes acute myocardial infarction (AMI) to occur. We aimed to determine how smoking affects the age of onset of first myocardial infarction in both the sexes.
Design: Clinical data were consecutively entered into a database and were analysed with a multivariate regression technique.
Methods: In the years 1998-2005, data on 1784 consecutive patients (38.3% women) who were discharged from or died in a district general hospital with a diagnosis of first myocardial infarction were included in the study. Age at first AMI was analysed.
Results: Unadjusted mean ages were 76.2 years for women and 69.8 years for men, a difference of 6.4 years (P<0.001). Mean age within the various groups was: women nonsmokers 80.7 years, women smokers 66.2 years, difference 14.4 years (P<0.001); men nonsmokers 72.2 years, men smokers 63.9 years, difference 8.3 years (P<0.001). After adjustment for risk factors (hypertension, cholesterol levels, diabetes) and patient characteristics (history of angina, history of stroke) 13.7 years of the age difference in women were attributed to smoking; the corresponding figure in men was 6.2 years (P<0.001). Conclusion: First AMI occurred significantly more prematurely in women than in men smokers, implying that twice as many years were lost by women as by men smokers.
DOI Number 10.1097/HJR.0b013e328325d7f0

上一篇: 环境烟草暴露与儿童行为的关系
下一篇: 应用微型肺量测计检测正在吸烟或以前吸烟者下降的FEV1值
