


(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 李红雯 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(Elife. 2019 Nov 5;8. pii: e47969. doi: 10.7554/eLife.47969.)
Loss of adaptive capacity in asthmatic patients revealed by biomarker fluctuation dynamics after rhinovirus challenge.
Sinha A, Lutter R, Xu B4, Dekker T, Dierdorp B, Sterk PJ, Frey U, Eckert ED.
Asthma is a dynamic disease, in which lung mechanical and inflammatory processes interact in a complex manner, often resulting in exaggerated physiological, in particular, inflammatory responses to exogenous triggers. We hypothesize that this may be explained by respiratory disease-related systems instability and loss of adaptability to changing environmental conditions, manifested in highly fluctuating biomarkers and symptoms. Using time series of inflammatory (eosinophils, neutrophils, FeNO), clinical and lung function biomarkers (PEF, FVC,FEV1), we estimated this loss of adaptive capacity (AC) during an experimental rhinovirus infection in 24 healthy and asthmatic human volunteers. Loss of AC was estimated by comparing similarities between pre- and post-challenge time series. Unlike healthy participants, the asthmatic's post-viral-challenge state resembled more other rhinovirus-infected asthmatics than their own pre-viral-challenge state (hypergeometric-test: p=0.029). This reveals loss of AC and supports the concept that in asthma, biological processes underlying inflammatory and physiological responses are unstable, contributing to loss of control.

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