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(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 顾宪民 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(Sci Transl Med.2018Feb7;10(427).pii:eaam8604.doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aam8604.)

Transgelin-2 as a therapeutic target for asthmatic pulmonary resistance.
Yin LM, Xu YD, Peng LL, Duan TT, Liu JY, Xu Z, Wang WQ, Guan N, Han XJ, Li HY, Pang Y, Wang Y, Chen Z, Zhu W, Deng L, Wu YL, Ge GB, Huang S, Ulloa L, Yang YQ.
There is a clinical need for new bronchodilator drugs in asthma, because more than half of asthmatic patients do not receive adequate control with current available treatments. We report that inhibition of metallothionein-2 protein expression in lung tissues causes the increase of pulmonary resistance. Conversely, metallothionein-2 protein is more effective than β2-agonists in reducing pulmonary resistance in rodent asthma models, alleviating tension in tracheal spirals, and relaxing airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs). Metallothionein-2 relaxes ASMCs via transgelin-2 (TG2) and induces dephosphorylation of myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1). We identify TSG12 as a nontoxic, specific TG2-agonist that relaxes ASMCs and reduces asthmatic pulmonary resistance. In vivo, TSG12 reduces pulmonary resistance in both ovalbumin- and house dust mite-induced asthma in mice. TSG12 induces RhoA phosphorylation, thereby inactivating the RhoA-ROCK-MYPT1-MLC pathway and causing ASMCs relaxation. TSG12 is more effective than β2-agonists in relaxing human ASMCs and pulmonary resistance with potential clinical advantages. These results suggest that TSG12 could be a promising therapeutic approach for treating asthma.

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