吸烟与细菌性阴道病(BV)和缺乏保护性乳酸杆菌的阴道微生物群相关。尽管其中的机制尚不明确,本研究旨在评价吸烟者(17人)和非吸烟者(19人)阴道代谢组分差异。代谢组学通过气体和液体色谱质谱分析进行测定。16S rRNA基因人群分析样本归类于3个社区类型(CSTs):I型(卷曲乳杆菌为主),III型(惰性乳杆菌)和IV型(低乳杆菌为主)。
Cigarette smoking is associated with an altered vaginal tract metabolomic profile.
Nelson TM.
Cigarette smoking has been associated with both the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) and a vaginal microbiota lacking protective Lactobacillus spp. As the mechanism linking smoking with vaginal microbiota and BV is unclear, we sought to compare the vaginal metabolomes of smokers and non-smokers (17 smokers/19 non-smokers). Metabolomic profiles were determined by gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry in a cross-sectional study. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene populations revealed samples clustered into three community state types (CSTs) ---- CST-I (L. crispatus-dominated), CST-III (L. iners-dominated) or CST-IV (low-Lactobacillus). We identified 607 metabolites, including 12 that differed significantly (p-value < 0.05) between smokers and non-smokers. Nicotine, and the breakdown metabolites cotinine and hydroxycotinine were substantially higher in smokers, as expected.
Among women categorized to CST-IV, biogenic amines, including agmatine, cadaverine, putrescine, tryptamine and tyramine were substantially higher in smokers, while dipeptides were lower in smokers. These biogenic amines are known to affect the virulence of infective pathogens and contribute to vaginal malodor. Our data suggest that cigarette smoking is associated with differences in important vaginal metabolites, and women who smoke, and particularly women who are also depauperate for Lactobacillus spp., may have increased susceptibilities to urogenital infections and increased malodor.
吸烟与细菌性阴道病(BV)和缺乏保护性乳酸杆菌的阴道微生物群相关。尽管其中的机制尚不明确,本研究旨在评价吸烟者(17人)和非吸烟者(19人)阴道代谢组分差异。代谢组学通过气体和液体色谱质谱分析进行测定。16S rRNA基因人群分析样本归类于3个社区类型(CSTs):I型(卷曲乳杆菌为主),III型(惰性乳杆菌)和IV型(低乳杆菌为主)。
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院呼吸与危重症医学科 周剑平 万欢英 摘译)
(Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 16;8(1):852.)
(Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 16;8(1):852.)
Cigarette smoking is associated with an altered vaginal tract metabolomic profile.
Nelson TM.
Cigarette smoking has been associated with both the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV) and a vaginal microbiota lacking protective Lactobacillus spp. As the mechanism linking smoking with vaginal microbiota and BV is unclear, we sought to compare the vaginal metabolomes of smokers and non-smokers (17 smokers/19 non-smokers). Metabolomic profiles were determined by gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry in a cross-sectional study. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene populations revealed samples clustered into three community state types (CSTs) ---- CST-I (L. crispatus-dominated), CST-III (L. iners-dominated) or CST-IV (low-Lactobacillus). We identified 607 metabolites, including 12 that differed significantly (p-value < 0.05) between smokers and non-smokers. Nicotine, and the breakdown metabolites cotinine and hydroxycotinine were substantially higher in smokers, as expected.
Among women categorized to CST-IV, biogenic amines, including agmatine, cadaverine, putrescine, tryptamine and tyramine were substantially higher in smokers, while dipeptides were lower in smokers. These biogenic amines are known to affect the virulence of infective pathogens and contribute to vaginal malodor. Our data suggest that cigarette smoking is associated with differences in important vaginal metabolites, and women who smoke, and particularly women who are also depauperate for Lactobacillus spp., may have increased susceptibilities to urogenital infections and increased malodor.