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(复旦大学附属中山医院 呼吸科 包 晨 摘译  杨 冬 审校)
(European Respiratory Journal 201750:1701366;DOI:10.1183/13993003.01366-2017)
Asthma phenotypes: do cough and wheeze predict exacerbations in persistent asthma?
Jaymin B. Morjaria, Alan S. Rigby, Alyn H. Morice
European Respiratory Journal 2017 50: 1701366; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01366-2017
Little is known of the long-term symptom profile in uncontrolled asthma and whether symptoms can predict distinct phenotypes. The primary objective of these analyses was to assess diurnal profile of cough and wheeze in an uncontrolled asthma population. Secondary outcomes were to examine how these symptom profiles influence response to treatment.
Twice-daily electronically recorded data from 1701 patients were examined in relation to the population demographics. Reliever treatment with salbutamol was then compared with extra-fine beclometasone/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy (MART). Exacerbation frequency was then correlated with the symptom profile.
Symptoms were commoner in older patients with an increased body mass index. In most patients, reported cough and wheeze were closely correlated (r=0.73). Two phenotypes of cough- and wheeze-predominant patients were identified; the former were overweight, older females and the latter older males. Diurnal symptoms of cough and wheeze were similarly attenuated by both therapies. MART reduced exacerbation frequency by a third compared with salbutamol, and this effect was greatest in patients with fewest reported symptoms.
While cough and wheeze are highly correlated in uncontrolled asthma, some patients predominantly have cough whereas others wheeze. Symptoms and exacerbation frequency appear poorly associated, suggesting an alternative pathophysiology. MART may be the preferred option in those with fewest symptoms.

上一篇: 在中年人中,五年以上的交通相关空气污染暴露可增加哮喘风险并损害肺功能
下一篇: 长期应用全身糖皮质激素对重症哮喘的影响:英国回顾性队列分析
