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   方法:在2014的秋天,完成了2009-2010年弗吉尼亚青年烟草调查(N = 1796),从年龄14-18岁的高中学生中获得的数据被用来进行描述性分析,对多变量Logistic回归模型根据模型相关的混杂因素进行调整。
   结果:总的来说,大约19%的Virginia高中生抽烟,16%有哮喘。吸烟的几率并未因哮喘的状态而异;然而,与无哮喘的患者相比,哮喘患者被问到是否吸烟的几率要高出1.5倍(95% CI 1.06-2.13),并会被健康专家建议不要吸烟(95 % CI 1.10-2.14)。认为二手烟或吸烟1-5支/天无害的哮喘患者比那些认为这些都是有害的哮喘患者吸烟的几率分别高出4.2和2.8倍。此外,认为吸烟1-2年是安全的哮喘患者吸烟的几率比那些不这样认为的哮喘患者高出3.4倍(95% CI 1.57-10.1)。
(杨冬 审校)
BMC Public Health. 2016 Sep 1;16(1):913. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3579-7.

Association between high school students' cigarette smoking, asthma and related beliefs: a population-based study.
Jones RM1,2,3, Wiseman KP4, Kharitonova M4.
Author information
BACKGROUND:Smoking has a detrimental effect on the symptoms and severity of asthma, a common chronic disease among adolescents. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between asthma and smoking among high school students and assess provider-patient communication with asthmatic adolescents regarding smoking and adolescents' beliefs about the harms of smoking.
METHODS:In fall 2014, data from high school students, ages 14-18 years, completing the 2009-2010 Virginia Youth Tobacco Survey (N = 1796) were used in descriptive analyses and multivariable logistic regression models adjusting for model-specific confounders as appropriate.
RESULTS:Overall, an estimated 19 % of high school students in Virginia smoked and 16 % had asthma. Odds of smoking did not differ byasthma status; however, asthmatics had 1.5 times higher odds of being asked if they smoke (95 % CI 1.06-2.13) and being advised not to smoke by a health professional (95 % CI 1.10-2.14) compared to non-asthmatics. Asthmatics who believed second-hand smoke or smoking 1-5 cigarettes/day was not harmful had respectively 4.2 and 2.8 times higher odds of smoking than those who thought each was harmful. Further, asthmatics who thought smoking 1-2 years is safe had 3.4 times higher odds of smoking than those who did not (95 % CI 1.57-10.1).
CONCLUSIONS:While asthmatic adolescents are just as likely to smoke as non-asthmatics, less healthy beliefs about the risks of smoking increase the odds of smoking among asthmatics. Thus, targeted asthma-specific smoking prevention and education to change attitudes and beliefs could be an effective tool for adolescents.
KEYWORDS:Adolescents; Asthma; Smoking; Smoking-related beliefs
BMC Public Health. 2016 Sep 1;16(1):913. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3579-7.

上一篇: 青少年哮喘在风险健康和肥胖的关系中的性别差异
下一篇: 妊娠期使用抗生素和学龄前儿童哮喘:混杂因素的影响
