结果:重症哮喘患者肺泡灌洗液标本中SP-D的水平显著低于对照组和轻症哮喘患者SP-D (P < .001),并且重症哮喘患者肺泡灌洗液中SP-D水平与肺泡灌洗液中嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白浓度呈负相关关系。与健康对照及轻症哮喘相比,重症哮喘患者血清SP-D明显升高(P < .001),且肺泡灌洗液/血清比值显著降低。重症哮喘患者肺泡灌洗液SP-D水平降低,伴随血清SP-D水平增加,与血清中 SP-D降解片段、中性粒细胞计数和脂多糖增加有关。
(Chest. 2016 May;149(5):1165-72.)
Airway Surfactant Protein D Deficiency in Adults With Severe Asthma
Rose-Marie A. Mackay, PhD; Christopher L. Grainge, MD, PhD; Laurie C. Lau, PhD; Clair Barber, BSc;
Howard W. Clark, MD, DPhil; and Peter H. Howarth, MD, DM
Chest. 2016 May;149(5):1165-72.
BACKGROUND: Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is an essential component of the innate immune defense against pathogens within the airways. SP-D also regulates allergic inflammation and promotes the removal of apoptotic cells. SP-D dysregulation is evident in several pulmonary diseases. Our aim was to investigate whether airway and serum levels of SP-D are altered in treatment-resistant severe asthma.
METHODS: SP-D concentrations were measured in matched serum and BAL samples collected from 10 healthy control subjects (HC) and 50 patients with asthma (22 with mild asthma [MA] and 28 with severe asthma [SA]). These samples were also evaluated by using Western blot analysis to investigate variations in SP-D size.
RESULTS: SP-D levels in BAL samples were significantly lower in SA compared with HC and MA (P < .001) and inversely correlated with BAL eosinophil cationic protein concentrations in SA (P < .01). Serum SP-D was significantly increased in SA compared with HC and MA (P < .001), and BAL/serum ratios were significantly lower in SA compared with HC and MA (P < .001). Reduced SP-D levels in BAL samples, with concomitant increases in serum in SA, were associated with degraded fragments of SP-D in the serum and increased BAL neutrophil counts and lipopolysaccharide levels.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest defective innate immunity within the airways in SA, as reflected by low BAL SP-D concentrations and altered bacterial presence with airway neutrophilia. Furthermore, BAL SP-D leakage into the serum in patients with SA may provide a peripheral blood biomarker, reflecting increased epithelial damage and/or epithelial permeability within the peripheral airways.