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(杨冬 审校)
Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print]



Folate Deficiency, Atopy and Severe Asthma Exacerbations in Puerto Rican Children.

Blatter J1, Brehm JM2, Sordillo J3, Forno E4, Boutaoui N5, Acosta-Pérez E6, Alvarez M7, Colón-Semidey A8, Weiss ST9, Litonjua AA10, Canino G11,Celedón JC12.

Little is known about folate and atopy or severe asthma exacerbations. We examined whether folate deficiency is associated with number of positive skin tests to allergens or severe asthma exacerbations in a high-risk population, and further assessed whether such association is explained or modified by vitamin D status.
METHODS:Cross-sectional study of 582 children aged 6 to 14 years with (n=304) and without (n=278) asthma in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Folate deficiency was defined as a plasma folate ≤20 ng/ml. Our outcomes were the number of positive skin tests to allergens (range=0-15) in all children, and (in children with asthma) ≥1 severe exacerbation in the previous year. Logistic and negative binomial regression models were used for the multivariate analysis. All multivariate models were adjusted for age, gender, household income, residential proximity to a major road and (for atopy) case/control status; those for severe exacerbations were also adjusted for use of inhaled corticosteroids and vitamin D insufficiency (a plasma 25(OH)D<30ng/ml).
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:In a multivariate analysis, folate deficiency was significantly associated with an increased degree of atopy and 2.2 times increased odds of ≥1 severe asthma exacerbation (95% confidence interval [CI] for odds ratio [OR]=1.1-4.6). Compared with children who had normal levels of both folate and vitamin D, those with both folate deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency had nearly eightfold increased odds of ≥1 severe asthma exacerbation (95% CI for adjusted OR=2.7-21.6).
CONCLUSIONS:Folate deficiency is associated with increased degree of atopy and severe asthma exacerbations in school-aged Puerto Ricans. Vitamin D insufficiency may further increase detrimental effects of folate deficiency on severe asthma exacerbations.


Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print]



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