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   本研究的目的在于评估慢性咳嗽与24h多通道食管阻抗-pH监测的酸性或弱酸性胃食管反流(GER)的相关性,并评估这种相关性是否是年龄依赖的。共150例儿童纳入研究(平均年龄7.5岁;范围0.3-18.0之间;男/女为90/60)。与反流相关的咳嗽事件概率的中位数为87.5% (0% to 100%);9% (0% to 100%)与酸性反流有关,60% (0% to 100%)与弱酸性反流有关。52例(34.7%)儿童的咳嗽事件与GER有关(100%相关)。2岁以下儿童的酸性(P = 0.03)或弱酸性(P = 0.01) GER相关的咳嗽事件显著增多。二元逻辑回归证实仅年龄增大降低咳嗽事件和GER完全(100%)相关的风险。咳嗽与弱酸性GER显著相关,低龄儿童风险更高。



(苏欣 审校)
Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2015 Aug 30. pii: 0009922815603675. [Epub ahead of print]



The Relationship Between Gastroesophageal Reflux and Chronic Unexplained Cough in Children.

Pavić I1, Čepin-Bogović J1, Hojsak I2.

The aim of this study was to assess the association between chronic cough and acid or weakly acid gastroesophageal reflux (GER) determined by 24-hour multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring and to assess whether the association is age dependent. Overall 150 children (mean age 7.5 years; range 0.3-18.0 years; male/female 90/60) were enrolled. Median of 87.5% (0% to 100%) of all cough episodes were associated with reflux; 9% (0% to 100%) with acidic and 60% (0% to 100%) with weakly acidic episodes. In 52 children (34.7%), all cough episodes were associated with GER (100% association). Children younger than 2 years had significantly higher number of cough episodes associated with total (P = .03) and weakly acidic GER (P = .01). Binary logistic regression confirmed that only increase in age decreases the risk for complete (100%) association between cough episode and GER. Cough is significantly associated with weakly acidic GER and children of younger age are at higher risk.


Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2015 Aug 30. pii: 0009922815603675. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 非吸烟患者慢性咳嗽的原因
下一篇: 冠状动脉旁路移植术拔管后患者咳嗽的恢复
