

   结果:来自16个国家51项最近的吸烟研究的综合分析表明,躁郁症患者与正常人群相比吸烟比值比为3.5 (CI: 3.39-3.54)。更多有限的数据分析得到戒烟人群的OR值 为 0.34 (CI: 0.31-0.37)和曾经吸烟人群的OR值为3.6 (CI: 3.30-3.80)。来自10个国家20项研究的综合分析表明与精神分裂症患者相比,躁郁症患者的现在吸烟的OR 值为 0.76 (CI: 0.74-0.79)。躁郁症患者曾经吸烟率低于精神分裂症患者(OR = 0.83, CI: 0.75-0.91)。来自7个国家18项研究的综合分析表明与重度抑郁症患者比较,躁郁症患者的当前吸烟OR为 2.05 (CI: 2.00-2.10)。与重度抑郁症患者相比,躁郁症患者的曾经吸烟率高(OR = 1.5, CI: 1.40-1.70)、戒烟率低(OR = 0.51, CI: 0.45-0.59)。


(苏欣 审校)
Bipolar Disord. 2015 Aug 4. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12319. [Epub ahead of print]



A combined analysis of worldwide studies demonstrates an association between bipolar disorder and tobacco smoking behaviors in adults.

Jackson JG1, Diaz FJ2, Lopez L3, de Leon J4,5,6.

Worldwide studies were combined to examine two hypotheses: (i) bipolar disorder is associated with smoking behaviors, compared with the general population; and (ii) smoking behavior prevalences in bipolar disorder are intermediate between those in major depressive disorder and those in schizophrenia.
METHODS:Combined analyses used 56 articles on adults obtained from a PubMed search or the senior author's article collection. Odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) compared current smoking, heavy smoking among current smokers, smoking cessation in ever smokers, and ever smoking in bipolar disorder versus control groups.
RESULTS:The combined OR was 3.5 (CI: 3.39-3.54) in 51 current smoking studies of bipolar disorder versus the general population from 16 countries. More limited data provided an OR = 0.34 (CI: 0.31-0.37) for smoking cessation and an OR = 3.6 (CI: 3.30-3.80) for ever smoking. The combined OR was 0.76 (CI: 0.74-0.79) for current smoking in bipolar disorder versus schizophrenia in 20 studies from ten countries. Ever smoking may be lower in bipolar disorder than in schizophrenia (OR = 0.83, CI: 0.75-0.91). The OR was 2.05 (CI: 2.00-2.10) for current smoking in bipolar disorder versus major depression in 18 studies from seven countries. Ever smoking may be higher (OR = 1.5, CI: 1.40-1.70) and smoking cessation lower (OR = 0.51, CI: 0.45-0.59) in bipolar disorder than in major depression。
CONCLUSIONS:Increased current smoking in bipolar disorder versus the general population reflected increased ever smoking (initiation) and decreased smoking cessation. Smoking behavior frequencies in bipolar disorder may be between those in depressive disorder and schizophrenia, with schizophrenia showing the highest severity level.


Bipolar Disord. 2015 Aug 4. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12319. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 电子烟的使用对咳嗽反射敏感性的影响
下一篇: 吸烟、戒烟和牙齿缺失的风险:EPIC-波茨坦研究
