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   方法:采用横断面研究,在北京市选取污染程度较重的城区A区和较轻的郊区B区作为研究地点,按照整群抽样的方法,分别选取A区的4所小学和B区的3所小学共4564名学生为研究对象,采用国际标准化问卷对儿童呼吸系统疾病及症状的流行情况进行调查,包括儿童特点、居住条件、呼吸系统疾病和症状以及父母情况。从北京环境质量报告中获得近五年的大气污染物浓度,采用 SPSS16.0分析数据。
   结果:与污染程度较轻的B区相比,A区儿童的咳嗽(62.2% vs. 59.9%)、持续性咳嗽(6.3% vs. 3.1%)、咳痰(42.4% vs. 37.4%)、持续性咳痰(3.6% vs. 2.4%)、喘鸣(13.3% vs. 9.9%)和哮喘(9.5% vs. 5.4%)等症状的发生率均较高,且经统计学检验,除咳嗽、感冒时咳嗽、不感冒时咳嗽外,儿童呼吸系统其他疾病及症状发生率在两区之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。运用Logistic回归模型控制混杂因素后,A区儿童持续性咳嗽、不感冒时咳痰、哮喘发生的危险性仍显著高于B区的儿童,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。


(苏欣 审校)
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. 2015 Jun 18;47(3):395-9.



Comparison of respiratory diseases and symptoms among school-age children in areas with different levels of air pollution.

[Article in Chinese]
Zhu YD1, Wei JR2, Huang L3, Wang SH4, Tian HM2, Guo XB1.


To compare the differences of children's health in different area, and to confirm if the prevalence of respiratory diseases and symptoms among children are closely associated with the air pollution.
METHODS:A cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban area A and a suburban area B with different levels of air pollution in Beijing. Using a cluster sampling method, we recruited 4 564 children from 3 primary schools in urban A and 4 primary schools in suburban B. Respiratory symptoms were investigated using an international standardized questionnaire including characteristics of children, living conditions, respiratory diseases and symptoms and situation of parents. The concentrations of air pollutants for recent five years were obtained from Reports on the Quality of the Beijing Environment. SPSS 16.0 was used to analyze data.
RESULTS:The prevalence of cough, persistent cough, phlegm, persistent phlegm, wheeze and asthma in A area were higher than those in B area [(62.2% vs. 59.9%), (6.3% vs. 3.1%), (42.4% vs. 37.4%),(3.6% vs. 2.4%),(13.3% vs. 9.9%)and(9.5% vs. 5.4%)]. Except for cough, cough with cold, cough without cold, the prevalence of respiratory diseases and symptoms in A area were significantly higher than those in B area (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed the prevalence of persistent cough, phlegm without cold, asthma in A area were significantly higher than those in B area (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION:Respiratory diseases and symptoms among school-age children were closely associated with the level of air pollution.


Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. 2015 Jun 18;47(3):395-9.




上一篇: 难治性哮喘的流行病学及与环境因素的关系
下一篇: 产前母体应激会增加哮喘风险吗?
