

   结果:实验组进行训练后,平均自我效能感评分显著升高。对于对照组,试验性训练与哮喘症状的减少、日常功能受限的减少和运动后低发作频率相关。实验组的儿童/青少年对哮喘发作症状更敏感,定期使用预防药物和急救药物,缺课率更低,急诊访视的次数更少(p < 0.05)。实验组的平均呼气峰值流速为62.5%。训练后,实验组发作次数明显减少,增加吸入剂量的需要明显降低。


(杨冬 审校)
J Asthma. 2015 May 15:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]



Impact of symptom management training among asthmatic children and adolescents on self-efficacy and disease course.

Cevik Guner U1, Celebioglu A.

The study was conducted to examine the effect of a training program provided to asthmatic children/adolescents on disease course and self-efficacy.
METHODS:This prospective study consisted of both experimental and control subjects. The study population was composed of children/adolescents aged 10-18 years, who presented at Health Centers within Tokat province with asthma and who were currently using inhaler treatments. The study sample included 40 patients each in both the control and experimental groups. Asthmatic Child Information Form, Disease Evaluation Form, Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Evaluation Form and an Asthmatic Child/Adolescent Self-Efficacy Scale were used to collect data on research outcomes. Data were statistically analyzed with paired sample t-test, McNemar's test, independent samples t-test.
RESULTS:A significant increase in mean self-efficacy score was observed in the experimental group following training sessions. The experimental training was also associated with a reduction in asthma symptoms, less limitations to daily function and fewer attacks following physical activity relative to the control subjects. The children/adolescents in the experimental group were more conscious of the symptoms of asthma attacks and used preventive and rescue medications regularly, and reported fewer absences from school and fewer emergency room visits (p < 0.05). The average peak expiratory flow rate was 62.5% in the experimental group. After training, there were significant decreases in the number of attacks and the need of increasing inhaler doses in the experimental group.
CONCLUSIONS:The study results show that the training program is effective in increasing self-efficacy and improving asthma symptoms among children/adolescents. Nurses should offer the training program to support children/adolescents during asthma attacks, and encourage the development of self-efficacy.


J Asthma. 2015 May 15:1-8. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 患者和护理提供者对于哮喘和哮喘护理的认知:一项定性研究
下一篇: 亚专科医生的患者能够从书面的哮喘行动计划中获益吗?
