对于独生子,通常认为哮喘可能与儿童身高偏低以及青春期发育迟缓相关。但是,那些研究并没有排除遗传对哮喘、青春期/初潮以及身高的影响。本项目旨在针对异性双胞胎群体以及同性双胞胎群体(不同哮喘症状),研究哮喘与男孩青春期和身高、以及女孩初潮和身高之间的关联。研究收集瑞典双胞胎及父母或哮喘患者自身对哮喘症状的阐述,记录男孩青春期来临时间和女孩初潮时间,以及身高等。通过Petersen指数对青春期进行分期。通过逻辑和线性回归分析评估哮喘与青春期来临时间/初潮时间,以及患者身高之间的关联性。对于不同哮喘症状的双胞胎群体,采用条件逻辑和线性回归法进行分析。研究共纳入2,658例双胞胎(其中49.1%为男孩)。对于男孩,8~9岁时哮喘发病率为8.2%,13~14岁时哮喘发病率为10.2%。而相同年龄段的女孩哮喘发病率分别为4.2%和4.9%。在不考虑性别因素的前提下,哮喘与男孩青春期来临时间和女孩初潮时间之间无显著关联性。对于8~9岁和13~14岁的男孩,患有哮喘的男孩较无哮喘的男孩更矮(其平均身高分别为1.86 [0.17-3.56] cm和2.94 [0.98-4.91] cm,概率分别为0.03和0.003)。但是,对于19~20岁的男孩,患有哮喘和无哮喘的群体间身高无统计学差异。对于女孩,哮喘与其身高无显著关联性。对于同性的双胞胎群体(不同哮喘症状),无论男孩还是女孩,哮喘与身高均无显著关联。患有哮喘的男性双胞胎较无哮喘的更矮,但是,女孩则无显著差异。双胞胎配对分析的非统计学差异结果表明,这种关联性可能混杂了部分遗传因素或家庭环境因素。
(苏欣 审校)
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2015 Mar 12:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]
Asthma and Height in Twins: A Cohort and Within-Pair Analyses Study.
Protudjer JL1, Lundholm C1, Almqvist C1.
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In singletons, asthma may be associated with shorter height and delayed growth during adolescence. Yet, these studies do not account for heritability of asthma, puberty/menarche, and height. We aimed to study the association between asthma and puberty in boys and menarche in girls, and height, in a cohort of twins and subsequently in same-sex twin pairs discordant for asthma. From a Swedish twin cohort, parent- and self-reported data on asthma, puberty/menarche, and height were collected. Pubertal staging was established via the Petersen index. Logistic and linear regression was used to estimate associations between asthma and puberty/menarche and height, respectively. For within-pair analyses in twins discordant for asthma, conditional logistic and linear regression were used. Data on 2,658 (49.1% boys) twins were included. Among boys, asthma prevalence was 8.2% at 8-9 years and 10.2% at 13-14 years. Corresponding numbers for girls were 4.2% and 4.9%, respectively. In the entire cohort, no statistically significant associations were found between current asthma and puberty/menarche. Boys with asthma were shorter than boys without asthma at 8-9 years (on average, 1.86 [0.17-3.56] cm, p = .03) and at 13-14 years (on average, 2.94 [0.98-4.91] cm, p = .003) but not at 19-20 years. No such associations were found for girls. Within same-sex twin pairs discordant for asthma, no statistically significant associations were found for either sex. Twin boys, but not girls, with asthma were shorter than those without asthma. Non-statistically significant estimates from within-pair analyses suggest the association is partly confounded by genetic or familial environmental factors.
Twin Res Hum Genet. 2015 Mar 12:1-9. [Epub ahead of print]