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   主要结果: (-)NIC(ia)可减少咳嗽次数、降低咳嗽力度、降低血压以及心率,且以上效应均呈剂量依赖性。(-) NICI不改变咳嗽运动模式的时间性特征。提前使用美卡拉明可缓解(-) NIC对血压和心率的影响,但并不抑制尼古丁的止咳功能。(+) NIC在抑制咳嗽方面的功能较(-) NIC弱。显微注射(-) NIC至尾端腹部呼吸柱区域对咳嗽的抑制作用与ia方式类似。在该区域显微注射美卡拉明后立即注射尼古丁不显著降低能尼古丁的咳嗽抑制作用。


(刘国梁 审校)
 JApplPhysiol(1985).2014Dec4:jap.00075.2014.doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00075.2014. [Epub ahead of print]



Central administration of nicotine suppresses tracheobronchial cough in anesthetized cats.

Poliacek I1, Rose MJ2, Pitts TE3, Mortensen A4, Corrie LW2, Davenport PW3, Bolser DC2.

We tested the hypothesis that nicotine (NIC), which acts peripherally to promote coughing, might inhibit reflex cough at a central site.
EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH:NIC was administered via the vertebral artery (ia) to the brainstem circulation and by microinjections into a restricted area of the caudal ventral respiratory column in 33 pentobarbital anesthetized spontaneously breathing cats. The number of coughs induced by mechanical stimulation of the tracheobronchial airways, amplitudes of the diaphragm, abdominal muscle, and laryngeal muscles EMGs, and several temporal characteristics of cough were analyzed after administration of NIC and compared to those during control and recovery period.
KEY RESULTS:(-) NIC (ia) reduced cough number, cough expiratory efforts, blood pressure, and heart rate in a dose-dependent manner. (-) NIC did not alter temporal characteristics of the cough motor pattern. Pretreatment with mecamylamine prevented the effect of (-) NIC on blood pressure and heart rate, but did not block the antitussive action of this drug. (+) NIC was less potent than (-) NIC for inhibition of cough. Microinjections of (-) NIC into the caudal ventral respiratory column produced similar inhibitory effects on cough as administration of this isomer by the ia route. Mecamylamine microinjected in the region just before nicotine did not significantly reduce the cough suppressant effect of nicotine.
CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS:Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors significantly modulate functions of brainstem and in particular caudal ventral respiratory column neurons involved in expression of the tracheobronchial cough reflex by a mecamylamine insensitive mechanism.


JApplPhysiol(1985).2014Dec4:jap.00075.2014.doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00075.2014. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 加巴喷丁治疗慢性咳嗽的有效性和安全性评估
下一篇: 加巴喷丁对于治疗慢性咳嗽的疗效和安全性评估
