

   结果:与患者的面谈支持了ASEMU日志内容的有效性。对于无症状天数的再调查信度是可接受的(ICC:0.70-0.75),但是对于不使用急救药物的天数,其变异较大(ICC:0.58-0.78)。纸笔记录以及用电子日志记录两种管理模式是等效的(SFD,ICC= 0.84; RFD, ICC= 0.70)。同时使用吸入性皮质类固醇激素以及长效β2受体激动剂组的无症状天数以及不使用急救药物的天数是最多的,其次是单独使用一种治疗药物组,再次是安慰剂组。无症状天数的MID为7.7-14.7%,不使用急救药物天数的MID为8.4-15.6%。


(杨冬 审校)
J Asthma. 2014 Sep 10:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]



Measurement properties of an asthma symptom and rescue medication use diary.

Clark M1, Martin S, Svedsater H, Dale P, Jacques L.

Assessment of symptoms and rescue medication use are well-established endpoints for clinical trials evaluating asthma treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the measurement properties of an asthma symptom and rescue medication use (ASRMU) diary for clinical trials involving asthma patients aged ≥12 years.
METHODS: Interviews with 35 patients were conducted to confirm the importance of key concepts in the ASRMU diary. Scores of symptom and rescue medication use were converted to symptom-free days (SFD) and rescue-free days (RFD). Test-retest reliability and equivalence (based on intra-class correlation coefficients [ICCs]) between paper-and-pencil and electronic (eDiary) versions were evaluated in a prospective study in 47 patients. Responsiveness of the ASRMU diary was evaluated through differences in percentage of SFD and of RFD by treatment group in eight asthma clinical trials that assessed inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and long-acting β2-agonists (LABA), alone or in combination. A ninth placebo-controlled study calculated effect sizes. Minimal important differences (MID) were determined using anchor-based methods from two trials and by interviewing 11 patients.
RESULTS: Patient interviews supported content validity for the ASRMU diary. Test-retest reliability was acceptable for SFD (ICC:0.70-0.75), but varied for RFD (ICC:0.58-0.78). Paper-and-pencil and eDiary modes of administration were equivalent (SFD, ICC = 0.84; RFD, ICC = 0.70). ICS/LABA had the largest percentage of SFD and RFD, followed by monotherapy and then placebo. MIDs were 7.7-14.7% for SFD and 8.4-15.6% for RFD.
CONCLUSIONS: The ASRMU diary captures the disease-specific concepts of greatest importance to asthma patients and provides important information for asthma diagnosis and treatment evaluation.


J Asthma. 2014 Sep 10:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]

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