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   结果:与奥马珠单抗治疗前10个月相比,治疗后10个月患者因哮喘发作而急诊就医的次数显著下降[7.94 (6.52-9.37) 和0.19 (0.03-0.35),p<0.001]。同时,健康状况显著上升 [0.5967 (0.5722-0.6212) vs 0.7566 (0.7232-0.7900)],意味着获得了0.1333 (0.1053-0.1612) 质量校正寿命。治疗前10个月每名病人的平均花费为€ 1,850.78 (1,519.46-2,182.10),治疗后10个月为€ 5,431.87 (4,930.72-5,933.02)。增量成本效益比分别为€ 462.08/避免的发作次数 (347.65-606.22) 和€ 26,864.89/获得的质量校正寿命(21,632.07-33,859.49)。


(苏楠 审校)
J Asthma. 2014 Jul 4:1-26. [Epub ahead of print]



Cost-effectiveness of omalizumab in severe persistent asthma in spain: a real-life perspective.

Levy AN1, García AR, García-Agua NS, Hidalgo MV.

To determine the cost-effectiveness of omalizumab compared with routine clinical practice in the treatment and control of severe persistent asthma.
METHODS: Cost-effectiveness analysis using pre- and post-treatment with omalizumab after 10 months of 47 patients diagnosed with uncontrolled severe persistent asthma attended by the Pneumology Service, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga. Effectiveness was assessed by the number of emergency room (ER) visits for exacerbations and quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained. The costs of treatment with omalizumab and ER visits were analyzed using the National Health System perspective. Results are expressed in cost per QALY gained and cost per ER visit avoided (costs € 2012).
RESULTS: Exacerbations with ER visits decreased significantly (p<0.001) after 10 months of omalizumab treatment compared with the previous 10 months [7.94 (6.52-9.37) vs 0.19 (0.03-0.35)]. Health utilities increased significantly (p<0.001) during the same period [0.5967 (0.5722-0.6212) vs 0.7566 (0.7232-0.7900)], representing 0.1333 (0.1053-0.1612) QALYs gained (p<0.001).The mean cost per patient was € 1,850.78 (1,519.46-2,182.10) in the 10 months before treatment and € 5,431.87 (4,930.72-5,933.02) after 10 months of omalizumab treatment. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were € 462.08/exacerbation avoided (347.65-606.22) and € 26,864.89/QALY gained (21,632.07-33,859.49).
CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that adding omalizumab to the treatment of patients with uncontrolled severe persistent asthma reduces the number of exacerbations with ER visits and increases health-related quality of life after 10 months of treatment, and produces incremental cost-effectiveness ratios favorable to omalizumab and acceptable from the health system perspective.


J Asthma. 2014 Jul 4:1-26. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 奥马珠单抗对重症难治性哮喘的综合疗效:一项依照时间序列的观察性研究
下一篇: 关于支气管热成形术治疗严重哮喘的一些思考
