(刘国梁 审校)
Gen Dent. 2014 Jan-Feb;62(1):e13-6.
Smoking cessation practices in the dental setting.
Gonzalez YM, Lozier EB.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control, approximately 20.6% of the American adult population currently smokes cigarettes. There is no doubt that tobacco use has a negative effect on oral and general health. Dentists can be effective in assessing their patients' smoking status, health beliefs, and related behavior patterns. A total of 608 patients-smokers, former smokers, and nonsmokers-participated in this study. The Five A's protocol was utilized with follow-up interviews to assess smoking cessation (quit rates) among the patients. Of the 608 subjects, 170 (28%) were current smokers, 140 (23%) were former smokers, and 298 (49%) had never smoked. Females comprised 56% of the study group. Of the 170 smokers who were assessed at baseline, successful follow-ups were performed with 64 (38%). Based on a follow-up of these smokers, the 7-day abstinence quit rate was 22%. Among participants who received nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), 40% quit. Of the participants who did not receive NRT, 19% quit.
Gen Dent. 2014 Jan-Feb;62(1):e13-6.