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   结果:本研究发现出生于50个州和华盛顿特区的儿童青少年(9.3% vs 5.1%)以及成人(7.6% vs 4.7%)当前哮喘患病率(P<0.05)显著高于出生于其他地方的人。且该差异存在于非西班牙裔白种人、非西班牙裔黑种人和西班牙裔(除波多黎各人外) 的所有年龄组中以及华裔成人中。在美国居住10年或以上的非美国出生成年人哮喘患病率(比值比=1.55; 95% 置信区间=1.25, 1.93)高于最近居住的人。研究还发现在非美国出生儿童中也有类似的趋势。


(苏楠 审校)
Am J Public Health. 2013 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]


Association Between Birthplace and Current Asthma: The Role of Environment and Acculturation.

Iqbal S, Oraka E, Chew GL, Flanders WD.

We evaluated associations between current asthma and birthplace among major racial/ethnic groups in the United States.
METHODS:We used multivariate logistic regression methods to analyze data on 102 524 children and adolescents and 255 156 adults in the National Health Interview Survey (2001-2009).
RESULTS:We found significantly higher prevalence (P < .05) of current asthma among children and adolescents (9.3% vs 5.1%) and adults (7.6% vs 4.7%) born in the 50 states and Washington, DC (US-born), than among those born elsewhere. These differences were among all age groups of non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, and Hispanics (excluding Puerto Ricans) and among Chinese adults. Non-US-born adults with 10 or more years of residency in the United States had higher odds of current asthma (odds ratio = 1.55; 95% confidence interval = 1.25, 1.93) than did those who arrived more recently. Findings suggested a similar trend among non-US-born children.
CONCLUSIONS:Current asthma status was positively associated with being born in the United States and with duration of residency in the United States. Among other contributing factors, changes in environment and acculturation may explain some of the differences in asthma prevalence.


Am J Public Health. 2013 Dec 19. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 一个中国在校儿童大队列中,哮喘、鼻炎和湿疹的发生率、严重性和危险因素
下一篇: 哮喘合并肥胖患者的检查:身体活动、睡眠时间、健康相关生活质量以及父母痛苦情绪的差异评估
