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   结果:共有184例黑素瘤患者和169例对照者进行问卷调查。黑素瘤患者与对照组相比,过敏性皮炎(8.7%vs.8.2,p=0.890)和花粉过敏(15.2 vs.18.3%,p=0.432)的终生患病率未见差异。黑素瘤患者的哮喘发生率较低,但未达到显著差异(3.8vs.8.2%,p=0.075)。就Breslow厚度、转移瘤和继发性黑素瘤而言,过敏性黑素瘤患者与非过敏性患者比较无差异。


(林江涛 审校)
Int J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jul 6. [Epub ahead of print]


Atopic dermatitis is not a protective factor for melanoma but asthma may be.

Hajdarbegovic E, Atiq N, van der Leest R, Thio B, Nijsten T.

There is evidence from cohort studies for an inverse association between atopic dermatitis and asthma and cutaneous melanoma. However, these studies have been too heterogeneous and did not show statistically significant results. Also, this association has not been compared to traditional melanoma risk factors.
OBJECTIVES:To test for associations between history of atopic disorders and melanoma life-time prevalence, and for associations between atopic disorders and melanoma prognosis.
METHODS:Validated questionnaires from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey and International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children protocol on life-time prevalence of atopic disorders were sent to 280 patients with histopathologically confirmed melanoma. The control group consisted of their spouses. The skin phototype was also assessed using a validated questionnaire.
RESULTS:One hundred and eighty-four melanoma patients and 169 controls responded to the questionnaire. The life-time prevalence of atopic dermatitis and hayfever was not different in melanoma patients (8.7 % vs. 8.2, p = 0.890 and 15.2 vs. 18.3 %, p = 0.432, respectively). Asthma was non-significantly lower in melanoma patients (3.8 vs. 8.2 %, p = 0.075). Atopic melanoma patients did not differ from non-atopic patients in terms of Breslow thickness, metastases and second melanomas.
CONCLUSION:Atopic dermatitis is not a protective factor in cutaneous melanoma but a history of asthma may be.


Int J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jul 6. [Epub ahead of print]

上一篇: 婴儿期患细支气管炎或肺炎可使哮喘风险增加、生活质量受损
下一篇: 哮喘和特应性皮炎与临床恶性疟原虫疟疾风险增加有关
