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(林江涛 审校)
Cough. 2013 May 13;9(1):14. [Epub ahead of print]


Chronic cough hypersensitivity syndrome.

Morice AH.

Chronic cough has been suggested to be due to three conditions, asthma, post nasal drip, and reflux disease. A different paradigm has evolved in which cough is viewed as the primary condition characterised by afferent neuronal hypersensitivity and different aspects of this syndrome are manifest in the different phenotypes of cough. There are several advantages to viewing cough hypersensitivity as the unifying diagnosis; Communication with patients is aided, aetiology is not restricted and therapeutic avenues opened. Cough Hypersensitivity Syndrome is a more applicable label to embrace the clinical manifestations of this disabling disease.

Cough. 2013 May 13;9(1):14. [Epub ahead of print]


上一篇: 卒中后吞咽困难的咳嗽反射试验:一项随机对照试验
下一篇: 利多卡因喷雾和套囊内注入碱化利多卡因对气管拔管后咳嗽的影响:一项随机双盲对照试验
