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   作者对68例哮喘患者进行了为期4周的双盲、对照研究。研究患者分为3组:吸入激素组(倍氯米松 200 µg·day–1)、茶碱组(茶碱 400 mg·day–1) 和联合治疗组((倍氯米松 200 µg·day–1+茶碱 400 mg·day–1))。考察结果包括:肺功能变化,哮喘控制问卷(ACQ)评分。
    结果显示,相对于单纯吸入激素,联合治疗能明显改善患者的PEF(39.9 L·min–1, 95% CI: 10.9~68.8) 和ACQ 评分(-0.47, 95% CI -0.91~ -0.04) ,对FEV1也有一定提高(165 mL, 95% CI -13–342)。而单用茶碱虽能改进患者的ACQ评分 (-0.55, 95% CI -0.99– -0.11),但对肺功能没有作用。
                             (韩伟 青岛市市立医院东院呼吸科 266071 摘译)
                                    (Eur Respir J 2009; 33:1010-1017)

Effect of low-dose theophylline plus beclometasone on lung function in smokers with asthma: a pilot study
M. Spears1, I. Donnelly2, L. Jolly2, M. Brannigan1, K. Ito3, C. McSharry2, J. Lafferty1, R. Chaudhuri1, G. Braganza1, I. M. Adcock3, P. J. Barnes3, S. Wood, {dagger}4 and N. C. Thomson1
Keywords: Asthma, corticosteroid insensitivity, histone deacetylase, smoking, theophylline
Smoking is common in asthma and is associated with worse asthma control and a reduced therapeutic response to corticosteroids. The present authors hypothesised that treating smokers with asthma with low-dose theophylline added to inhaled corticosteroids would enhance steroid sensitivity and thereby improve lung function and symptoms.
In a double-blind, parallel group exploratory trial, 68 asthmatic smokers were randomised to one of three treatments for 4 weeks: inhaled beclometasone (200 µg·day–1), theophylline (400 mg·day–1) or both treatments combined. Outcome measures included change in lung function and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) scores.
At 4 weeks, theophylline added to inhaled beclometasone produced an improvement in peak expiratory flow (39.9 L·min–1, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 10.9–68.8) and ACQ score (-0.47, 95% CI -0.91– -0.04) and a borderline improvement in pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in one second (mean difference 165 mL, 95% CI -13–342) relative to inhaled corticosteroid alone. Theophylline alone improved the ACQ score (-0.55, 95% CI -0.99– -0.11), but not lung function.
In the present pilot study, the combination of low-dose theophylline and inhaled beclometasone produced improvements in both lung function and symptoms in a group of smokers with asthma. Larger trials are required to extend and confirm these findings.
Eur Respir J 2009; 33:1010-1017

上一篇: 应用奥马珠单抗患者治疗Churg-Strauss综合征
下一篇: 地氯雷他定和孟鲁司特对过敏源诱导的迟发性气道反应
