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(刘国梁 审校)
Khoshoo V, Edell D, Mohnot S, et al.
Chest. 2009 Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Associated Factors in Children With Chronic Cough.
Khoshoo V, Edell D, Mohnot S, Haydel R Jr, Saturno E, Kobernick A.
West Jefferson Medical Center (Drs. Khoshoo, Edell, and Haydel), New Orleans, LA; Tulane University (Ms. Mohnot), New Orleans, LA; and Tulane University Medical Center (Dr. Kobernick), New Orleans, LA.
Children presenting with chronic cough are common to the primary care physicians but data on the etiology are scant.
Methods: We evaluated forty children (5-12 years) with chronic cough (> 8 weeks duration) with no obvious cause and referred by the primary care physicians. All patients underwent an extensive multispecialty workup that included pulmonary, GI, allergy, immunology and otorhinolaryngology. Response to treatment was quantified pretreatment and 8 weeks after treatment using a visual analog scale.
Results: Positive diagnostic tests were noted for gastroesophageal reflux disease (27.5%); allergy (22.5%); asthma (12.5%); infection (5%); aspiration (2.5%) and multiple etiologies (20%). Appropriate treatment for these factors resulted in a significant improvement in cough.
Conclusions: Reflux, allergy and asthma accounted for > 80% of the likely etiological factors of chronic cough in children and responded to appropriate treatment.

上一篇: 神经生长因子通过TrkA 和 TRPV1受体依赖机制增强咳嗽和气道阻塞
下一篇: 同时刺激喉及气管支气管受体或刺激中枢呼吸神经元能增加咳嗽反射强度
