(林江涛 审校)
Williams SA, et al. J Occup Environ Med. 2009 Jun 12. [Epub ahead of print]
The Association Between Asthma Control and Health Care Utilization, Work Productivity Loss and Health-Related Quality of Life.
Williams SA, Wagner S, Kannan H, Bolge SC.
From Health Economics and Outcomes Research (Dr Williams) AstraZeneca LP, Wilmington, Del; and Health Economics and Outcomes Research (Dr Wagner, Dr Kannan, Dr Bolge), Consumer Health Sciences, Princeton, NJ.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between asthma control and health outcomes.
METHODS: Cross-sectional data on asthmatic patients were from the 2006 U.S. National Health and Wellness Survey. Asthma control was determined by the Asthma Control Test. Outcomes assessed included work productivity loss/activity impairment, health-related quality of life, and resource utilization. Effects of asthma control on outcomes were determined with linear and Poisson regression models.
RESULTS: There were 2767 uncontrolled asthmatics and 2912 controlled asthmatics. Adjusting for confounders, controlled asthmatics reported (P < 0.001) higher physical and mental health-related quality of life scores (SF-8); fewer emergency room visits, hospitalization days, and medical provider visits; lower levels of overall work productivity loss and activity impairment.
CONCLUSION: Results indicate that asthma control is associated with better health outcomes. Management with therapies optimizing asthma control may reduce direct and indirect costs of treatment.