哮喘是一种常见的呼吸道慢性炎症性疾病,在过去的25~30年内,其发病率急剧上升,特别是在儿童中增加最快。目前,有超过2千2百万的美国人患有哮喘,并且哮喘在全球范围内都具有较高的发病率和死亡率。每年,由于哮喘治疗及由其引起的工作能力下降或丧失导致的直接和间接经济损失高达到160亿美元, 同时损失超过1400万个工作日。哮喘每年导致约180万的急诊就诊量和50万次的住院治疗。
(苏楠 审校)
Cardarelli WJ. Popul Health Manag. 2009 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Asthma: Are We Monitoring the Correct Measures?
The prevalence of asthma, a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, has risen sharply over the past 25-30 years, with the biggest increase found in children. Currently, more than 22 million Americans have asthma. Asthma also is associated with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Each year, asthma is responsible for $16 billion in direct and indirect costs due to health care utilization and loss of productivity, with over 14 million missed workdays. Asthma also accounts for almost 1.8 million emergency room visits and almost 500,000 hospitalizations annually. Therefore, assessment and monitoring of disease activity is critical to improve clinical and economic outcomes for patients with asthma. To help in this endeavor, practitioners and payers rely on evidence-based guidelines to classify disease severity, to guide treatment decisions, and to assess the degree of asthma control. In August 2007, the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) updated its guidelines based on greater knowledge of disease pathophysiology and the development of newer therapeutic agents. This includes an increased emphasis on the need to establish disease severity, including the components of impairment and risk, as well as on the level of asthma control. Despite the availability of the NAEPP and other guidelines, asthma control often remains suboptimal. While numerous clinical and patient-reported measures are available, it is clear that the optimal monitoring schema for patients with asthma remains undefined. To clearly establish whether asthma control is attained, multiple measures are required and should include clinical and patient-reported assessments.