哮喘是一种多发的慢性呼吸道疾病,并可以引起妊娠期的多种变化。近期的一些报道指出孕育女性胎儿可以引起母亲哮喘症状的恶化。OTIS研究采用719例有哮喘病史的妊娠妇女进行前瞻性的试验以验证这一假设。结果显示,孕育女性胎儿的孕妇在妊娠期间因哮喘加重而住院的发生率明显增高(OR=1.84; 95% CI: 1.05; 3.21),而与母亲的年龄、BMI、种族、吸烟和社会经济状况没有相关性。目前的研究提示,哮喘妇女孕育女性胎儿更容易诱发哮喘急性发作。
(苏楠 卫生部中日友好医院呼吸内科 100029 摘译)
(J Asthma. 2008 Jun;45(5):403-407)
Fetal sex and maternal asthma control in pregnancy.
J Asthma.2008 Jun;45(5):403-7.
Bakhireva LN, Schatz M, Jones KL, Tucker CM, Slymen DJ, Klonoff-Cohen HS, Gresham L, Johnson D, Chambers CD; OTIS Collaborative Research Group.
Collaborators (22)
Quinn D, Vogt D, Kao K, Lavigne S, Brochu J, Buehler B, Conover E, Ormond K, Chou C, Johnson Y, Swerc S, Braddock S, Slusher P, Robinson L, Gangell S, Koren G, Morreti M, Wolfe L, Carey J, Robertson J, Polifka J, Rudy E.
Division of Pharmacy Practice and Department of Family/Community Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Asthma is a prevalent chronic disorder that might substantially complicate pregnancy. Some recent reports suggest that the presence of a female fetus might be associated with worse maternal asthma symptoms during pregnancy. We tested this hypothesis using the sample of 719 pregnant women with asthma prospectively enrolled in the OTIS study. The presence of a female fetus was associated with a higher incidence of hospitalizations for asthma during pregnancy (OR = 1.84; 95% CI: 1.05; 3.21) independent of maternal age, BMI, ethnicity, smoking, and socioeconomic status. The current study suggests that pregnant asthmatic women carrying a girl might be more susceptible to asthma exacerbations.