

    这些儿童均在1周月时进行了首次评估,并在11岁时进行随访调查,研究β2受体多态性(Arg16Gly和Gln27Glu)、测定肺功能(FEV1和FVC)以及呼出一氧化氮(exhaled nitric oxide, eNO)。
    研究发现,在被动吸烟的儿童中,具有Arg16(至少一个等位基因)儿童的FEV1 (2.19L)和FVC(2.43L)比Gly16纯合子儿童的FEV1(2.38L)和FVC(2.64L)低,具有Gln27(至少1个等位基因)儿童的FEV1(2.24L)也低于Gly16纯合子儿童(2.39L)。而在未接触被动吸烟的儿童中,拥有Arg16或Gln27儿童的eNO水平分别为15.4ppb和18.0ppb,明显低于Gly16纯合子(30.9 ppb和 Glu27 纯合子(49.7 ppb) 儿童。
(韩伟 青岛大学附属青岛市立医院呼吸科 266071 摘译)
( Eur Respir J 2007;30:48–55)
β2-Adrenoceptor polymorphisms and asthma phenotypes: interactions with passive smoking
G. Zhang, C.M. Hayden, S-K. Khoo, P. Candelaria, I.A. Laing, S. Turner, P. Franklin,S. Stick, L. Landau, J. Goldblatt and P.N. Le Soue¨f
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of possible interactions between b2-adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms and passive smoking on forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) in children aged 11 yrs.
Methods  A cross-sectional analysis of the longitudinal cohort was conducted for associations between b2-adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms and lung function and eNO with regard to passive smoking. Among children exposed to tobacco smoke, those with Arg16 (at least one Arg allele) exhibited lower adjusted mean FEV1 (2.19 versus 2.38 L) and FVC (2.43 versus 2.64 L) than Gly16 homozygotes. Those with Gln27 (at least one Gln allele) also exhibited a lower adjusted mean FEV1 relative to Glu27 homozygotes (2.24 versus 2.39 L).
Among children with no exposure to smoking, those with Arg16 or Gln27 showed lower adjusted geometric mean eNO levels compared with Gly16 homozygotes (15.4 versus 30.9 ppb) and Glu27 homozygotes (18.0 versus 49.7 ppb). In conclusion, passive smoking had a significant effect on associations between b2-adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms and asthma-related phenotypes, enhancing the relationship
between Arg16 and lung function and removing the relationship between Arg16 or Gln27 and exhaled nitric oxide levels.

上一篇: IL-4变体对哮喘患者变应原导致的迟发哮喘反应的作用
下一篇: 静脉输注甘露醇可降低哮喘患者气道对乙酰甲胆硷的反应性
