结果:在基线状态下,各组平均年龄、住院天数(LOS)、共患病指数、心血管病诊断以及视敏度存在差异。出院后6个月,意向治疗估计的点戒断率,在干预组为16%,而在对照组为10%(P=0.02)。而自我主诉的戒断状态比例在干预组和对照组分别为44%和30%(P=0.00)。与对照组相比,干预组在住院期间和出院后都采用更多的尼古丁替代治疗(NRT)。出院后的总体死亡率干预组显著低于对照组(分别为0.02和0.04)。多变量生存模型显示,对基线时的不平衡因素进行控制后,干预组死亡率显著下降(HR= 0.37; P = 0.04)。
(陈欣 审校)
J Hosp Med. 2010 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Effectiveness of an inpatient smoking cessation program.
Gadomski AM, Gavett J, Krupa N, Tallman N, Jenkins P.
Bassett Research Institute, Cooperstown, New York.
BACKGROUND: Inpatient smoking cessation may increase the success of quitting smoking post-hospital discharge.
METHODS: Using a quasiexperimental study design, use of cessation methods, mortality, self-reported abstinence, and quit status 6 months post-hospital discharge were measured to assess the effectiveness of an inpatient smoking cessation program. Subjects were interviewed by telephone 6 months post-hospital discharge. Outcomes for patients who were seen by the inpatient smoking cessation counselor were compared to consecutive patients who were not seen by the counselor. Electronic medical records (EMRs) and administrative data were used to construct baseline measures, comorbidity covariates, pharmaceutical use rates during hospitalization, readmission, and mortality outcomes. Multivariate methods included logistic regression and survival analysis.
RESULTS: At baseline, the study groups varied by mean age, length of stay (LOS), comorbidity index, cardiovascular diagnosis, and acuity. At 6 months post-hospital discharge, the intent to treat estimate for point prevalence abstinence was 16% in the intervention group compared to 10% in the comparison group (P = 0.02) while self-reported quit status in the intervention group was 44% vs. 30% in the comparison group (P = 0.00). The intervention group used more nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) than the comparison group both in-hospital and following discharge. Crude post-hospital discharge mortality was significantly less in the intervention group (0.02) than in the comparison group (0.04). A multivariate survival model, controlling for baseline imbalances, showed a significantly reduced mortality in the intervention group (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.37; P = 0.04).
CONCLUSIONS: Inpatient smoking cessation programs effectively improve quit outcomes, NRT use, and mortality post-hospital discharge.