方法:共402名中国年轻吸烟者入选本研究,年龄为12~25岁。这些患者通过戒烟热线进行咨询,并在首次电话咨询后的1周、1月和3、6个月进行电话随访。采用有限混合模型,通过基于SAS Proc Traj组的建模程序,研究戒烟轨迹。分层多分类logistic回归用于比较基线状态的戒烟意向、赞成吸烟的态度、社会影响、戒烟的自我效能、吸烟情况、戒烟史以及人口统计学参数。
(林江涛 审校)
Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Quitting Trajectories of Chinese Youth Smokers Following Telephone Smoking Cessation Counseling: A Longitudinal Study.
Wong DC, Chan SS, Fong DY, Leung AY, Lam DO, Lam TH.
School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, 4/F William M. W. Mong Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
INTRODUCTION: The smoking patterns of youth remain unknown after they have received smoking cessation counseling. This study aims to examine the quitting trajectories of Chinese youth smokers after they have received quitline services and to examine factors to predict their quitting trajectories.
METHODS: A total of 402 Chinese youth smokers (aged 12-25 years) called a quitline and participated in telephone follow-ups at 1 week, 1 month, and 3 and 6 months after initial telephone counseling. Finite mixture modeling was employed to examine the quitting trajectories by the SAS Proc Traj group-based modeling procedure. Hierarchical multinomial logistic regression was used to compare the baseline intention to quit smoking, prosmoking attitudes, social influences, self-efficacy to quit, smoking profile, quitting history, and demographic characteristics among the trajectory groups.
RESULTS: Three distinct quitting trajectory groups were identified: quitters, reducers, and persistent smokers. Both quitters and reducers dramatically reduced the level of their cigarette consumption immediately after initial counseling. Youth smokers who were intended to quit at baseline, perceived confidence to quit, and perceived importance of quitting were more likely to have successfully quit smoking at six-month follow-up. Those who had prosmoking attitudes were less likely to quit smoking.
CONCLUSION: The findings reveal the profiles of youth smokers who can quit successfully and can guide the development of better and relevant interventions based on the psychosocial characteristics of youth smokers. Short-term goals such as an abrupt quit attempt or immediately reducing cigarette consumption by half may be the key to help youth smokers quit successfully.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2011 May 12. [Epub ahead of print]