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Dupilumab 诱导 2 型哮喘患者的长期治疗临床缓解


    目的:这项对 QUEST (NCT02414854) 和 TRAVERSE (NCT02134028) 的事后分析评估了 dupilumab 治疗是否会导致临床哮喘缓解(≥12 个月无严重恶化、口服皮质类固醇使用为零、肺功能稳定或改善、患者报告的哮喘控制 <1.5) 并评估其在不受控制的中度至重度 2 型哮喘(血嗜酸性粒细胞 ≥150 个细胞/μL 或呼出气一氧化氮分数≥父母研究基线时为 20 ppb)的患者的持久性,这些哮喘患者不是接受维持性口服皮质类固醇。
    方法:在QUEST中,患者(年龄≥12岁)每2周随机接受dupilumab 200/300 mg或安慰剂治疗52周。在TRAVERSE中,所有患者每2周接受dupilumab 300 mg,持续96周。我们评估了在48周内达到治疗临床缓解标准的患者比例。

 (中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 万静萱 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2025 Jan;13(1):132-142; DOI:10.1016/j.jaip.2024.10.009.IF:7.574.)
Dupilumab Induces Long-Term On-Treatment Clinical Remission in Patients With Type 2 Asthma.

Ian D, Pavord;  Klaus F, Rabe;
Background: Remission is proposed as a multicomponent outcome for patients with severe asthma.
Objective: This post hoc analysis of QUEST (NCT02414854) and TRAVERSE (NCT02134028) evaluated whether dupilumab treatment leads to clinical asthma remission (≥12 months with no severe exacerbations, zero oral corticosteroid use, stabilized or improved lung function, patient-reported asthma control <1.5) and assessed its durability in patients with uncontrolled, moderate to severe type 2 asthma (blood eosinophils ≥150 cells/μL or fractional exhaled nitric oxide ≥20 ppb at parent-study baseline) who are not receiving maintenance oral corticosteroids.
Methods: In QUEST, patients (aged ≥12 years) were randomized to dupilumab 200/300 mg or placebo every 2 weeks for 52 weeks. In TRAVERSE, all patients received dupilumab 300 mg every 2 weeks for up to 96 weeks. We assessed the proportion of patients meeting criteria for on-treatment clinical remission up to 48 weeks of TRAVERSE. 
Results:At QUEST baseline, 1,040 patients receiving dupilumab and 544 taking placebo had type 2 asthma; of those, 842 (dupilumab/dupilumab) and 437 (placebo/dupilumab) enrolled in TRAVERSE. At QUEST week 52 (year 1), 37.2% of patients receiving dupilumab met clinical remission criteria, compared with 22.2% taking placebo (all P < .001). At week 48 of TRAVERSE (year 2 overall), 42.8% (dupilumab/dupilumab) and 33.4% (placebo/dupilumab) of patients met clinical remission criteria. Overall, 29.5% of patients in the dupilumab/dupilumab group met the criteria at both years 1 and 2.
Conclusions: Dupilumab treatment enabled approximately one third of patients with type 2 asthma to meet the multicomponent end point for on-treatment clinical asthma remission for up to 2 years.

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