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哮喘急性发作人群中轻度哮喘占30% - 40%,目前对诱发轻度哮喘出现急性发作的危险因素仍少有关注。
    关键 哮喘急性发作;哮喘负担;电子健康记录;医疗保健资源利用;低利用率;轻度哮喘;风险因素

    文献来源(Chen W, Puttock EJ, Schatz M, et al. Risk factors for acute asthma exacerbations in adults with mild asthma[J].  J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract , 2024, 12(10): 2705-2716.e6)

(南方医科大学南方医院 黄海伦 龚钊乾 赵文驱 赵海金)
Background: Although individuals with mild asthma account for 30% to 40% of acute asthma exacerbations (AAEs), relatively little attention has been paid to risk factors for AAEs in this population.
Objective: To identify risk factors associated with AAEs in patients with mild asthma.
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. We used administrative data from a large managed care organization to identify 199,010 adults aged 18 to 85 years who met study criteria for mild asthma between 2013 and 2018. An asthma-coded qualifying visit (index visit) was identified for each patient. We then used information at the index visit or from the year before the index visit to measure potential risk factors for AAEs in the subsequent year. An AAE was defined as either an asthma-coded hospitalization or emergency department visit, or an asthma-related systemic corticosteroid administration (intramuscular or intravenous) or oral corticosteroid dispensing. Poisson regression models with robust SEs were used to estimate the adjusted risk ratios for future AAEs.
Results: In the study cohort, mean age was 44 years and 64% were female; 6.5% had AAEs within 1 year after the index visit. In multivariate models, age, sex, race, ethnicity, smoking status, body mass index, prior acute asthma care, and a variety of comorbidities and other clinical characteristics were significant predictors for future AAE risk.
Conclusion: Population-based disease management strategies for asthma should be expanded to include people with mild asthma in addition to those with moderate to severe disease.

Keywords: Acute asthma exacerbation; Asthma burden; Electronic health records; Health care resource utilization; Low utilizer; Mild asthma; Risk factor.

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