哮喘气道炎症期间的突显网络静息态功能连接度: 心理健康韧性的特征?
背景:炎症是抑郁症病理生理学的一个公认因素,慢性炎症性疾病患者的抑郁症患病率是普通人群的 2 到 4 倍。然而,当炎症频繁发作或持续多年时,会发生哪些神经生物学变化,从而导致抑郁症或对抑郁症的抵抗力,人们对此知之甚少。
方法:我们创新性地将纵向静息态功能磁共振成像与节段性支气管致敏过敏原(SBP-Ag)相结合,评估了 26 名患有哮喘并伴有不同程度抑郁症状的成人(15 名女性)因急性炎症加重而导致的突显网络(SN)静息态功能连接度(rsFC)的变化。支气管肺泡灌洗液和血液中测得的嗜酸性粒细胞提供了过敏性炎症的指数,贝克抑郁量表提供了抑郁症状的指数。
结果:我们发现,在基线抑郁症状最严重的人群中,SN rsFC 从 SBP-Ag 前到 SBP-Ag 后的下降幅度最大,因为嗜酸性粒细胞对挑战有强烈的反应;但在抑郁症状较轻的人群中,SN rsFC 保持或增加,即使是 SBP-Ag 反应最明显的人群也是如此。
结论:因此,在炎症期间保持SN rsFC可能是抗抑郁能力的一个生物标志,这可能是通过SN更有效地协调大规模大脑网络动力学实现的。这些发现加深了我们对SN在炎症期间的功能作用的理解,并为合并炎症性疾病和抑郁症患者的治疗建议提供了参考。
(Brain Behav Immun. 2024 Aug 2; DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.07.042)
Salience network resting state functional connectivity during airway inflammation in asthma: A feature of mental health resilience?
Laubacher C, Imhoff-Smith TP, Klaus DR, Frye CJ, Esnault S, Busse WW, Rosenkranz MA.
Background:Inflammation is an established contributor to the pathophysiology of depression and the prevalence of depression in those with chronic inflammatory disease is two- to four-fold higher than the general population. Yet little is known about the neurobiological changes that confer depression or resilience to depression, that occur when episodes of heightened inflammation are frequent or span many years.
Methods:We used an innovative combination of longitudinal resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging coupled to segmental bronchial provocation with allergen (SBP-Ag) to assess changes in resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the salience network (SN) caused by an acute inflammatory exacerbation in twenty-six adults (15 female) with asthma and varying levels of depressive symptoms. Eosinophils measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and blood provided an index of allergic inflammation and the Beck Depression Inventory provided an index of depressive symptoms.
Results:We found that in those with the highest symptoms of depression at baseline, SN rsFC declined most from pre- to post-SBP-Ag in the context of a robust eosinophilic response to challenge, but in those with low depressive symptoms SN rsFC was maintained or increased, even in those with the most pronounced SBP-Ag response.
Conclusion:Thus, the maintenance of SN rsFC during inflammation may be a biomarker of resilience to depression, perhaps via more effective orchestration of large-scale brain network dynamics by the SN. These findings advance our understanding of the functional role of the SN during inflammation and inform treatment recommendations for those with comorbid inflammatory disease and depression.