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   方法:本研究采用儿童早期采集的静脉血浆(N=811)进行基于质谱的非靶向代谢组学分析。FA诊断依据为与食物摄入后的急性超敏反应一致的临床症状,且食物特异性IgE>0.35 kU/L。哮喘基于临床医生诊断。本研究采用广义估计方程分析FA和哮喘的代谢组学相关性,并对潜在的混杂因素进行调整。
(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 张婧媛 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2024 Mar 26:S0091-6749(24)00295-1.)

Metabolomic Profiles during Early Childhood and Risk of Food Allergies and Asthma in Multi-ethnic Children from a Prospective Birth Cohort.
Hong X, Nadeau K, Wang G, Larman B, Smith KN, Pearson C, Ji H, Frischmeyer-Guerrerio P, Liang L, Hu FB, Wang X.
BACKGROUND:There are increasing numbers of metabolomic studies in food allergy (FA) and asthma, which, however, are predominantly limited by cross-sectional designs, small sample size, and being conducted in European populations.
OBJECTIVE:To identify metabolites which are unique to and shared by children with FA and/or asthma in a racially diverse prospective birth cohort (the Boston Birth Cohort).
METHODS:Mass spectrometry-based untargeted metabolomic profiling was performed using venous plasma collected in early childhood (N=811). FA was diagnosed based on clinical symptoms consistent with an acute hypersensitivity reaction upon food ingestion and food specific-IgE > 0.35 kU/L. Asthma was defined based on physician diagnosis. Generalized estimating equations were applied to analyze metabolomic associations with FA and asthma, adjusting for potential confounders.
RESULTS:During a median follow-up of 11.8±5.2 years from birth, 78 children developed FA and 171 developed asthma. Androgenic and pregnenolone steroids were significantly associated with a lower risk of FA, especially for egg allergy. N,N,N-trimethyl-5-aminovalerate (OR=0.65, 95%CI=0.48-0.87) and 1-Oleoyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoinositol (OR=0.77, 95%CI=0.66-0.90) were inversely associated with FA risk. Orotidine (OR=4.73, 95%CI=2.2-10.2) and 4-cholesten-3-one (OR=0.52, 95%CI=0.35-0.77) were the top two metabolites associated with risk of asthma, although they had no association with FA. In comparison, children with both FA and asthma exhibited an altered metabolomic profile that aligned with that of FA, including altered levels of lipids and steroids.
CONCLUSION: In this U.S. multi-ethnic prospective birth cohort, unique and shared alterations in plasma metabolites during early childhood were associated with risk of developing FA, asthma, or both. These findings await further validation.

上一篇: 度普利尤单抗减少中-重度哮喘患者急性发作,且与生物标志物的变化无关
下一篇: 按需布地奈德-福莫特罗治疗轻度哮喘的碳足迹:事后分析
