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(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 李红雯 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2023 Oct 3:S2213-2198(23)01066-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.09.034.)

Comorbidity burden in severe and non-severe asthma: a nationwide observational study (FINASTHMA)
Hannu Kankaanranta, Arja Viinanen, Pinja Ilmarinen, Hanna Hisinger-Mölkänen, Juha Mehtälä, Tero Ylisaukko-Oja, Juhana J Idänpään-Heikkilä, Lauri Lehtimäki
Background: Asthma, affecting more than 330 million people worldwide, is associated with a high level of morbidity, mortality, and socioeconomic costs.
Objective: In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed the comorbidity burden in patients with severe asthma compared to non-severe asthma and investigated the role of corticosteroid use on the risk of comorbidities.
Methods: All adults (≥18 years) with a diagnosis of asthma (International Classification of Diseases - 10th revision code J45.x) between 2014 and 2017 were identified and data were collected until 2018 from Finnish nationwide registers. Asthma was defined as continuously or transiently severe or non-severe based on annual dispensed inhaled corticosteroids, oral corticosteroids, and hospitalizations.
Results: Of 193,730 adult identified patients diagnosed with asthma, 86.3% had non-severe, 8.1% transiently severe, and 5.6% continuously severe asthma. Excess prevalence of pneumonia was observed in continuously (22%) and transiently severe (14%) compared with non-severe patients after adjusting for age and sex. Cataract, osteoporosis, obesity, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation were also more frequent in severe asthma patients. Inhaled and/or oral corticosteroid use contributed to the risk of several comorbidities in a dose-dependent manner, particularly pneumonia, osteoporosis, obesity, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. High oral corticosteroid use and the presence of comorbidities were associated with increased healthcare resource use.
Conclusion: Patients with severe asthma have a high burden of comorbidities, especially pneumonia. Many of the comorbidities have a strong dose-dependent association with inhaled and oral corticosteroid treatment, suggesting that corticosteroid doses should be carefully evaluated in clinical practice.

上一篇: 支气管扩张剂反应性与哮喘控制不佳患者的哮喘控制或症状负担无关
下一篇: SARS-CoV-2大流行与哮喘:我们已经了解了什么以及什么仍然不清楚
