

   方法:在患有慢性实验性哮喘(CEA)而不是首次接受试验的对照组的小鼠中,鼻病毒接种诱导早期(感染后1天)炎症反应由中性粒细胞、中性粒细胞相关细胞因子(IL-1α、IL-1β、CXCL1)和NETosis主导,随后是2型炎症期(感染后3-7 ),以嗜酸性粒细胞、IL-4水平升高和杯状细胞增生为特征。
   结果:值得注意的是,这两个阶段都被HpARI (Heligmosomoides polygyrus Alarmin Release Inhibitor)消融,HpARI阻断IL-33的释放和信号传导。外源性IL-33的滴注以PAD4依赖的方式再现了鼻病毒诱导的早期阶段,包括气道黏膜中NETs的增加。体外IL-33刺激来自CEA小鼠的中性粒细胞,而不是首次接受试验的小鼠,发生NETosis,并产生更多的IL-1α/β IL-4和IL-5。在鼻病毒感染的哮喘患者的鼻腔样本中,IL-33水平与中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶和dsDNA相关。
 (中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 万静萱 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(Mucosal Immunol 2023 Jul 26;doi: 10.1016/j.mucimm.2023.07.002. IF:6.726.)
IL-33-induced neutrophilic inflammation and NETosis underlie rhinovirus-triggered exacerbations of asthma.
M Curren B,  Ahmed T,  Howard DR
Background: Rhinovirus-induced neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) contribute to acute asthma exacerbations, however the molecular factors that trigger NETosis in this context remain ill-defined.
ObjectiveHere, we sought to implicate a role for IL-33, an epithelial cell-derived alarmin rapidly released in response to infection.
Methods: In mice with chronic experimental asthma (CEA), but not naïve controls, rhinovirus inoculation induced an early (1 day post infection; dpi) inflammatory response dominated by neutrophils, neutrophil-associated cytokines (IL-1α, IL-1β, CXCL1) and NETosis, followed by a later, type-2 inflammatory phase (3-7 dpi), characterized by eosinophils, elevated IL-4 levels, and goblet cell hyperplasia.
Results: Notably, both phases were ablated by HpARI (Heligmosomoides polygyrus Alarmin Release Inhibitor), which blocks IL-33 release and signalling. Instillation of exogenous IL-33 recapitulated the rhinovirus-induced early phase, including the increased presence of NETs in the airway mucosa, in a PAD4-dependent manner. Ex vivo IL-33-stimulated neutrophils from mice with CEA, but not naïve mice, underwent NETosis, and produced greater amounts of IL-1α/β IL-4, and IL-5. In nasal samples from rhinovirus-infected people with asthma, but not healthy controls, IL-33 levels correlated with neutrophil elastase and dsDNA.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that IL-33 blockade ameliorates the severity of an asthma exacerbation by attenuating neutrophil recruitment and the downstream generation of NETs.

上一篇: 循环CC16与支气管哮喘:一项从童年早期到成人期间基于人群、多中心研究
下一篇: 吸入氧化铜纳米粒子对屋尘螨诱发哮喘的免疫调节作用
