方法:与哮喘相关的ED就诊是从德克萨斯州特拉维斯县戴尔儿童医疗中心的电子病历中提取的。哮喘儿童的ED就诊率是根据种族/民族得出的。按年份(2019-2021年)和季节估计发病率比率(IRR)和95% CI。
结果:2019年春季,教育部对黑人儿童和白人儿童以及拉美裔儿童和白人孩子的访问IRR分别为6.67(95% CI=4.92-9.05)和2.10(95% CI=1.57-2.80)。2020年春季,当实施感染预防措施时,相应的内部收益率分别下降至1.73(95% CI=0.90-3.32)和0.68(95% CI=0.38-1.23)。
Do upper respiratory viruses contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in emergency department visits for asthma?
Bhavnani, D., Wilkinson, M., Zárate, R. A., Balcer-Whaley, S., Katz, D. S. W., Rathouz, P. J., & Matsui, E. C. (2022)
BACKGROUND:There are marked disparities in asthma-related emergency department (ED) visit rates among children by race and ethnicity. Following the implementation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention measures, asthma-related ED visits rates declined substantially. The decline has been attributed to the reduced circulation of upper respiratory viruses, a common trigger of asthma exacerbations in children.
OBJECTIVES:To better understand the contribution of respiratory viruses to racial and ethnic disparities in ED visit rates, we investigated whether the reduction in ED visit rates affected Black, Latinx, and White children with asthma equally.
METHODS:Asthma-related ED visits were extracted from electronic medical records at Dell Children's Medical Center in Travis County, Texas. ED visit rates among children with asthma were derived by race/ethnicity. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95% CIs were estimated by year (2019-2021) and season.
RESULTS:In spring 2019, the ED visit IRRs comparing Black children with White children and Latinx children with White children were 6.67 (95% CI = 4.92-9.05) and 2.10 (95% CI = 1.57-2.80), respectively. In spring 2020, when infection prevention measures were implemented, the corresponding IRRs decreased to 1.73 (95% CI = 0.90-3.32) and 0.68 (95% CI = 0.38-1.23), respectively.
CONCLUSION:The striking reduction of disparities in ED visits suggests that during nonpandemic periods, respiratory viruses contribute to the excess burden of asthma-related ED visits among Black and Latinx children with asthma. Although further investigation is needed to test this hypothesis, our findings raise the question of whether Black and Latinx children with asthma are more vulnerable to upper respiratory viral infections.
方法:与哮喘相关的ED就诊是从德克萨斯州特拉维斯县戴尔儿童医疗中心的电子病历中提取的。哮喘儿童的ED就诊率是根据种族/民族得出的。按年份(2019-2021年)和季节估计发病率比率(IRR)和95% CI。
结果:2019年春季,教育部对黑人儿童和白人儿童以及拉美裔儿童和白人孩子的访问IRR分别为6.67(95% CI=4.92-9.05)和2.10(95% CI=1.57-2.80)。2020年春季,当实施感染预防措施时,相应的内部收益率分别下降至1.73(95% CI=0.90-3.32)和0.68(95% CI=0.38-1.23)。
(中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科 沈焜路 摘译 林江涛 审校)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Nov 16; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2022.10.031)
(J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 Nov 16; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2022.10.031)
Do upper respiratory viruses contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in emergency department visits for asthma?
Bhavnani, D., Wilkinson, M., Zárate, R. A., Balcer-Whaley, S., Katz, D. S. W., Rathouz, P. J., & Matsui, E. C. (2022)
BACKGROUND:There are marked disparities in asthma-related emergency department (ED) visit rates among children by race and ethnicity. Following the implementation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention measures, asthma-related ED visits rates declined substantially. The decline has been attributed to the reduced circulation of upper respiratory viruses, a common trigger of asthma exacerbations in children.
OBJECTIVES:To better understand the contribution of respiratory viruses to racial and ethnic disparities in ED visit rates, we investigated whether the reduction in ED visit rates affected Black, Latinx, and White children with asthma equally.
METHODS:Asthma-related ED visits were extracted from electronic medical records at Dell Children's Medical Center in Travis County, Texas. ED visit rates among children with asthma were derived by race/ethnicity. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and 95% CIs were estimated by year (2019-2021) and season.
RESULTS:In spring 2019, the ED visit IRRs comparing Black children with White children and Latinx children with White children were 6.67 (95% CI = 4.92-9.05) and 2.10 (95% CI = 1.57-2.80), respectively. In spring 2020, when infection prevention measures were implemented, the corresponding IRRs decreased to 1.73 (95% CI = 0.90-3.32) and 0.68 (95% CI = 0.38-1.23), respectively.
CONCLUSION:The striking reduction of disparities in ED visits suggests that during nonpandemic periods, respiratory viruses contribute to the excess burden of asthma-related ED visits among Black and Latinx children with asthma. Although further investigation is needed to test this hypothesis, our findings raise the question of whether Black and Latinx children with asthma are more vulnerable to upper respiratory viral infections.