方法:在一项为期1年的随机临床试验开始时,共295名中至重度哮喘患者完成了2项调查。将NAC 2问卷(一项用于评估哮喘患者自我管理和健康知识的问卷)和吸入性皮质激素知识问卷结合,组成一项共含有21个问题的自主性评估,得分范围为10到105分。根据患者基线特征预测的自主性得分进行线性回归。
结果:比较发现,以西班牙语为主要语言的患者(P=0.01)、糖尿病患者(P=0.01)和有抑郁症状的患者(P=0.03)的基线自主性得分分别为-11.4分(95%CI,-20.5 ~ -2.3)、-4.8分(95%CI,-8.3 ~ -1.3)和-3.1分(95%CI,-5.9 ~ -0.3),差异具有统计学意义。与非西班牙裔的黑人参与者相比,非西班牙裔的白人参与者平均有8.2分(95% CI,4.5 ~ 12.0)的自主性得分(通过Bonferroni调整后 P < .01)。功能性健康素养较高的患者自主性得分较高(系数=0.24;95%CI,0.1 ~ 0.4;P < .01)。
(J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Feb;10(2):525-533. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.10.068. Epub 2021 Nov 14.)
Understanding Autonomy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Asthma.
Timothy M Buckey, Knashawn H Morales, Andrea J Apter.
BACKGROUND:Autonomy is the ability of patients to make informed medical decisions. Autonomy is rooted in disease state understanding. Medical ethics, especially the principle of autonomy, plays an important role in health care delivery when caring for diverse populations.
OBJECTIVE:To identify patient characteristics that influence autonomy.
METHODS:A total of 295 adults with moderate to severe asthma completed 2 surveys at the beginning of a 1-year randomized clinical trial. The Navigating Ability 2 and Inhaled Corticosteroids Knowledge questionnaires were combined to create a 21-question assessment of autonomy with possible scores ranging from 10 to 105. Linear regression was performed on the derived autonomy score predicted by patient baseline characteristics.
RESULTS:Comparison revealed statistically significant differences in baseline autonomy scores in patients who reported Spanish as their primary language (P = .01), patients with diabetes (P = .01), and those with depressive symptoms (P = .03) at -11.4 (95% CI, -20.5 to -2.3), -4.8 (95% CI, -8.3 to -1.3), and -3.1 (95% CI, -5.9 to -0.3) points, respectively. Non-Hispanic White participants on average were found to have 8.2 (95% CI, 4.5 to 12.0) points higher autonomy scores compared with non-Hispanic Black participants (Bonferroni-adjusted P < .01). Patients with higher functional health literacy had higher autonomy scores (coefficient = 0.24; 95% CI, 0.1 to 0.4; P < .01).
CONCLUSIONS:Autonomy is associated with comorbidities, demographics, and literacy. These results may reflect differences in social, educational, and economic opportunities encountered by patients. Further investigation is needed to assess and understand how socioeconomic and educational factors influence autonomy. By identifying differences in autonomy based on baseline patient characteristics, this project serves as an initial step in adjusting current and developing new treatment guidelines and interventions to improve patient autonomy.
社会风险干预和小儿哮喘的卫生服务利用: 系统评价和荟萃分析