(J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Oct 8;S2213-2198(20)31101-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.09.051. Online ahead of print.)
The prevalence of subtypes of type-2 inflammation in an unselected population of patients with severe asthma
Laurits Frøssing, Alexander Silberbrandt, Anna Von Bülow, Vibeke Backer, Celeste Porsbjerg
Background: With the introduction of different targeted therapies for T2 high asthma, there is an urgent need for markers to guide the choice of treatment. T2 high asthma includes different clinical phenotypes of asthma, but the prevalence and impact of activation of different T2 inflammatory pathways is unknown.
Objective: We aimed to describe the level of co-expression of clinically available T2 inflammatory markers in patients with severe asthma, and the relationship with clinical characteristics and co-morbidities.
Methods: Patients with severe asthma according to ERS/ATS guidelines were examined prospectively including sputum induction and grouped according to T2 biomarkers: blood eosinophilia (≥0.3 ∙ 109/L), total IgE (≥150 U/mL) and FeNO (≥25ppb).
Results: We found 116 (70%) of the 166 patients to have at least one T2 biomarker elevated: 39% had two or more elevated biomarkers while 31% had only one biomarker elevated. Concomitant airway- and systemic eosinophilia was present in 28% of all patients corresponding to half (53%) of the patients with either . Expression patterns of the T2 biomarkers were associated with differences in allergic sensitisation and the co-existence of nasal polyposis.
Conclusion: The majority of patients with severe asthma showed at least one T2 inflammatory trait. Co-expression of T2 biomarkers was highly heterogeneous, and different expression patterns were associated with distinct clinical characteristics.